Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When a man wearing a suit to use

 When men used to wear a suit to the (men necessary) 2008-03-03 12:19
suit shirts tie with three in the time to pay attention to what?
Wear silver, white suits, appropriate to wear red, red, dark green, navy, brown black tie, give people a quiet, beautiful, Xiaosa feeling.
wearing red, purple suit, suitable for wearing white, butter yellow, silver, sky blue , emerald green tie, to show the effect of an elegant and luxurious.
wear dark blue, dark green suit, suitable for wearing orange, white, light blue, pink tie, so wear will give people a deep, subtle beauty.
wear brown, dark green suit, suitable for wearing sky blue, butter yellow, orange and yellow tie, will show a delicate and elegant demeanor.
wear black, brown suit, suitable for wearing silver gray, white, blue, white and red stripes or blue-black striped tie, it will become more serious and generous.
suit and tie, shirt with how?
not wear a suit and tie bar, but not formal , not suitable for formal occasions. Speaking of tie side can have a lot of stress here.
first look at the tie color and pattern, in general plain, twill, dots, and geometric patterned ties are able to with any suit or shirt with style. but be aware that the Paramecium Patterns can only be worn in leisure, at work best to avoid using, or causing a Taiga.
look at the three tie styles: mainly in the tie style tie width, the width of the tie used mostly 8m9 cm, the most up to 12 cm wide, the narrowest of only 5-7 cm. tie is basically divided into three types, you can to choose according to their preferences.
right, tie seasonal and generally very knowledgeable, the best to wear in the summer heat of silk and silk of soft materials such as tie, tie knot have to shoot was relatively small, gives a refreshing feeling. while in autumn and winter mainly in the warm colors we should take, for example, dark red, brown like the warm colors will result in the visual warmth of feeling. in the spring and summer can be mainly cool colors, warm supplemented.
tie how to dress shirts that matched it? There is a name with three single, that is paired with the general comparison of three monochrome insurance. or two single flower This dress that you want to pay attention, of which only a pattern or patterns, whether it is shirt, tie or suit, then the pattern or patterns of color must be to one of the other two colors. Yes, there Second, a single flower. If you want to dress up when we should pay attention to this: When there are two patterns or designs, you must separate the pattern pioneer the trend of the strength and pattern. If you wear a suit or shirt stripes should avoid when Ruled or stripes with a tie, the best use of denim, colored dots or other non-directional paramecium better ties.
Next we look at the color with the basic principles: silver, white suit with red tie, red, purple, cream suit with tie, dark blue, dark green suit with yellow, rose tie, brown, dark green suit with blue tie.
saying details reflect the taste, although it suits Gelv Although many male compatriots, but in the details of dress somewhat ignorance once again. Today we talk about the details of a man dress, first let's look at a man called a face of the belt around his waist.
First, decorative belt, and some friends love hanging on a belt carrying pagers, cell phones. This will greatly influenced the decorative belt, that is not simple and does not seem capable. The second belt length. belts should be fastened between the first and after the end of the pants between the second trip, that is not too short nor too long. The third belt width. belt is too narrow will make men lose their masculinity, the belt is too wide is only suitable for leisure, cowboy style. general belt width should be maintained at 3 cm. Also, when a belt is not the belt buckle and zipper is not a line, may be a necessary absurd.
trousers waistband is the soul, the soul of the waistband on trousers , waists, they fit you just put on pants in the post, in case of natural breathing is not tight, do not just let loose the next hand, which indicates that the waistband is appropriate. If the extension does not go into a hand that is skinny pants . If you reached into his waistband to waistband of a fist to that fat. pants waistband may have pay attention to the magnitude of change, and to a small change only in within 5 cm, to change not more than 3.8 cm Dali. If beyond this range will change the shape of the original pants.
pants should also pay attention, in line pants must be impartial, and natural than the straight down to the upper, the only way to hold the line center handsome pants texture. pants length from the rear and the upper heel should be just the access to every place. If you want to make legs look more slender, then the length of pants can also be extended to the heel 1 / 2. In addition, buy belt when the belt than some 5 cm long pants. This means that if you wear 35 pants, then you should buy a belt of 36.
men in their lives from the trousers and shoes must not be between exposing a length white socks. because the white socks and light colored cotton socks is only suitable for sports and leisure wear. In general the color of men's socks should be a basic neutral color, and depth of color than the pants. the color of socks and the suit is the most fashionable colors to match the most concise. In addition the length of socks should also pay attention to. too long socks would look rustic, too short to sit down in your socks or leg while resting the other leg showing leg part of the skin. Therefore, the general is about the length of socks in the leg below the location.
men's dress suits Ten Commandments
1, usually the outer bag is a suit of the joints together (ie, pocket), do not be arbitrarily split open, it can maintain the shape suits so easily deformed.
2, shirts must be clean, crisp, can not appear dirty collar, cuffs dirty.
3, fasten your tie, the tie must not touch sharp belt.
4, if the Department of the tie, can not wear flat sandals.
5, suit and cuff must be cut off mark.
6, the waist does not do BP, cell phones, cigarette lighters. < br> 7, the taste of home repair has not yet before the Do not wear a white suit and socks, especially the dark suit.
8, open collar shirt, pants, belt loop and open lateral line can not skew the former should be in a line .
9, black shoes with any color can be dark suit and brown shoes the same color suits in addition, but not with any other color suit.
10, who wish to maintain the suit and the perfect prototype, the quarterly Do not dry clean more than twice as much as possible to find a professional dry cleaners and dry cleaning.
and maintenance of the matching suit formal suit is one of social occasion apparel of choice. men's suits over downloading fabric, color uniform (called two-piece) and vests with the same fabric in (called three-piece suit) wear the most common. more casual occasions, you can not complete wear. men's suits are flat collar, collar closure collar and claws of several shapes, the predecessor of the main single row of a button, two button, double four buttons, six deduction. women suit flat collar, closure collar common. As the occasion requires wearing suits and do not need regular washing of the reasons many men suits a more high-grade wool fabric, woolen or wool-like fabric to absorb sweat and moisture permeable folder of artificial silk, and air permeability, retention of good linen for the shoulder pads or chest lining. women as worsted wool suit flower it, female clothing it, palace, gabardine fabrics produced are most common. In addition to focus on quality of fabric to buy suits, but also note the following:
1 suit is mainly reflected in the quality of workmanship collar, shoulders and front chest several positions. First collar should be very smooth, can not have wrinkles or drum liner, the collar can not be too high, straight neck collar lining exposed 1 ~ 2cm appropriate. neckline keeps its shape should say.
2 sleeve length should be between the wrist and the tiger's mouth, hand Stretch sleeves when exposed lining 3 ~ 4cm. Jinshu coat should be slightly, the arm should move slightly when the arrest of axillary tight feeling. fasten buttoned vest after the close compact as appropriate.
3 suit pants crotch is not too pocket to squat and then stand up when you feel smooth and comfortable as well. Length should be slightly longer than that of other casual class.
4 colors multiple choice calm male suit black, dark blue, dark gray, more relaxed occasions while wearing the optional lighter, brighter or strip, grid suit.
suit women of color are much broader. the value of the more expensive suits best to the professional laundry store dry cleaning, home cleaning or dry cleaning solvent can be used gently scrub, then dry white towel several times, the last brush with a small amount of water the net, and then hot again carefully.
suit: net color, dark suit is best prepare three sets. but people seem comfortable. white striped long-sleeved blue ribbon shirt refreshing essential.
tie: color harmony on the line, blue, gray and red easily with a suit.
belt: a dark suit can be equipped with deep color belt, light-colored suit and belt no restrictions. but the belt can not jeans with a suit.
shoes: black shoes can be equipped with any kind of dark suit, but not with a dark gray suit and shoes; light-colored shoes can only be with light-colored suit, not with a dark suit. paint suitable only with dress shoes. Please note: the shoes polished, clean, easy to give the impression that good feeling, dirty shoes, your humble the most appropriate.
Socks: rather long not short. dark socks, dark or light-colored suit for both services; light-colored socks with light-colored suit, been able to, but not suitable with a dark suit. white socks with dress is more difficult to wear when think twice.
men suit men suit is essential clothing, it can make you look more confident and neat, but many men in dress there are varying degrees of misunderstanding, and the overall image of the compromised .
do not wear a white shirt West assembly tie mm
West assembly for wearing formal white shirt is the most worn, so if you do not tie it, give people a very casual, very raunchy feeling. < br> And there is no pattern of white shirts, the more monotonous, people always feel that something less.
If you really do not want to tie, or if it is not time, you can have three choices:
A. for a collar wider white shirt, out of general anti-child, a funky look to it, but wearing the suit have a choice in the outside dark;
B. to wear a dark shirt, with stripes or plaid The first choice, so people will not feel monotonous, but also the effect of weight-loss;
C. The pullover is a high-neck suit the most reliable parts, more color, but also easy to mix;
mess with the color of a formal wear mm
by: suit, shirt, tie, trousers composition, pants color selection is relatively easy, as long as you choose something such as: dark blue, black, dark beige color like the wild on it, but if you want a suit, shirt and tie goes to the three little harder with.
presented here one of the most secure method: tie not to vote too spent to dark gray is appropriate, select the white shirt The safest way is, a dark suit, not too much color difference between the three as far as possible all the same color, so the overall look and feel comfortable.
not pay attention to accessories mm
suits and accessories may include: button pins, tie clips, belts, purses, socks, shoes. Whether you dress more gracious, if not an ugly button pin, clip tie clip had a rusty, worn a pair of very inconsistent with the whole socks, shoes and no rub. Think about it, your overall image will be okay, so the emphasis in your coat, we should also pay attention to how these parts.
how men wearing a black shirt
suit with white shirt or light-colored shirt-based, with gray, blue, green color coordinated tie and shirt; gray suit can be equipped with gray, green, yellow or brick tie, light shirt ; dark blue suit, can be equipped with blue, carmine or orange tie, white or light blue shirt; blue suit, with dark blue to gray, blush, yellow, or brick ties, pink, butter yellow, silver or light blue shirt; brown suit, can be equipped with Anhe, gray, green or yellow tie, white, gray, silver or light brown suit and not wearing a shirt
tie bar, but not formal, not suitable for present formal occasions. Speaking of tie side can have a lot of stress here.
first look at the tie color and pattern, in general plain, twill, dots, and geometric patterned ties are to work with any style with a suit or shirt. but be aware that the Paramecium Patterns can only be worn in leisure, at work best to avoid using, or causing a Taiga.
look at three styles tie: tie style, mainly in the width of the tie, the tie used mostly 8m9 cm in width, the most up to 12 cm wide, the narrowest of only 5-7 cm. tie is basically divided into three types according to their preferences you can to select.
right, tie seasonal and generally very knowledgeable, the best to wear in the summer heat of silk and silk of soft materials such as tie, tie knot should play relatively small, gives a refreshing feeling. And in the autumn and winter to warm the main color would, for example, dark red, brown like the warm colors will result in the visual warmth of feeling. in the spring and summer can be mainly cool colors , supplemented warm.
tie how to dress shirts that matched it? There is a name with three single, that is paired with the general comparison of three monochrome insurance. or two single flowers, this dress You should pay attention to, of which only a pattern or patterns, whether it is shirt, tie or suit, then the pattern or patterns of color must be to one of the other two colors. Yes, there are two flowers of a single . If you want to dress up when we should pay attention to this: When there are two patterns or designs, you must separate the pattern pioneer the trend of the strength and pattern. If you wear a suit or shirt stripes should avoid the use of vertical bars, or when striped tie, preferably denim, colored dots or paramecium and other non-directional ties better.
Next we look at the color with the basic principles: silver, white suit with red tie, red, creamy white suit with purple tie, dark blue, dark green suit with yellow, rose tie, brown, dark green suit with blue tie.
suit you well aware of it? you might tell me how many years you have to wear, put wardrobe the number of pieces, but I guess you still do not understand suit local. Here you can provide only a small part of the proposal, in fact, really have a lot to be said!
Q: My face is dim, When shopping for clothes to sell dark suit, light color will salesperson told me that I look more black and light-colored clothing salesman selling is that the bright light but can put my face, I am at a loss, can give me some specific suggestions?
A: The dark face of men, a suit the color light color and neutral color choice. As Chinese people face yellow, the color should be less choice in the choice of yellow, green, purple; choose dark blue series, Warm dark gray color, neutral color can be.
Q: I am a suit, shirt and tie the match is not sure, so year-round wear black or dark blue suit, white shirt and dark tie, But I very much hope that there is a change in the image, can talk with the principles of the three colors?
A: suit, tie, shirt with a point is visually comfortable, co-ordination. dark suit should not be with lattice lattice plaid shirt and tie, if coupled with plain, striped, shirt or tie pattern is very beautiful. dark suit and tie, a shirt with the pursuit of harmony can also be contrast. as dark gray suit and accompanied by the shape pink plaid tie and with a white shirt, eclectic. white and blue shirt is the man the mainstream pick the color, the long-term wear seem too boring, if the tie and the shirt color will look great color contrast, color, bright stripes, squares, flowers type are good. If the pattern on the tie and the shirt of any color to suit the same color, then the effect will be better. with three basic rules to master the aesthetics, according to their personality preferences, nature of work to choose a different mix of methods.
Q: I would like to try bright colors of the suit, and that too with difficulty, it wants some advice.
A: The bright colors suit the degree of light shirt, dark tie as well, the three coordinate . also available with a plain shirt and tie to, contrasting suit. pink color suits romantic and stylish, the requirements for color and body are relatively high. for insurance purposes, can be used with dark trousers and dark shirt, tights can also be or contrast with large, high contrast, such as the Department of lavender shirt; tie with a crisp design (eg, tropical) is appropriate, of a shirt or tie in a color and the pink should be similar.
As for the white suit , pants should keep the color consistent. shirt color as light, such as yellow, pink, purple, light blue can be, the same color tie should not be too deep, you can choose bright colors, in harmony with the shirt.
Q: What kind of suits now popular?
A: In recent years, the strong sculptural suit simple pop style, cut slim fit, high-button, pull the buckle, slightly pinched waist, shoulders and smooth curves of natural, mostly wool fabrics, Ma mainly deal with soft light through the high-tech fabric is the key.
Q: single-breasted and double-breasted suit and dress in style What is the difference you?
A: double-breasted suits and more formal occasion wear as well, double-breasted suit and give a solemn, formal sense, for the formal ceremony, meetings, etc.; single-breasted suit and wearing a common place, as the work of the professional life of leisure suits and suits are appropriate.
double-breasted suit with a rigorous, can only be set, usually a suit must not unlock button, single breasted (such as the leisure class) can mix and match, even with a different color from top to bottom.
Q: the nature of my work requirements in the office wearing a suit, I need a day for a suit? replace several sets of at least a week?
A: Men's suit should be necessary for the Office of the dress, only more, no less, the number of how many dress to wear under their own clothing habits may be, should be changed every day if conditions are good, it can also be arranged according to the choice of the day, if the suit is not enough, you can also turn tricks on the shirt and tie, as long as you can not face two days a . know how to dress culture more respected by others.
Q: an excellent quality of the suit life expectancy for?
A: on a good suit in the fabric, craft, the version will be of high quality terms , the combination of the three is the brand assurance. on a good suit and post-production process cumbersome, the whole, hot, iron, high pressure setting is very high technological requirements, pay attention to the living and working in nursing, will be dry from time to time, sharp, hot and keep the original shape, wear can also care for the first seven or eight years.
Q: I recently put on weight suddenly, before buying the suit can not wear, does have a way to change you?
A: Now changes in men's figure is the most fat, waist lines, protruding belly, the original suit, of course is no longer appropriate. who encounter this situation can only change according to their choice of clothes. If the body changes little, if change the original suit will make the suit the unique shape change, but also make your image greatly reduced.
jackets bags used for holding the next two to relax, soft, thin things, such as paper towels and the like, must not pretend to be bulging, giving the feeling of useless sac Pita. T-shirt bags, also called handkerchief on the left chest pocket, specifically inserted decorative handkerchief, you can also put some stiff, such as contacts and other things, to make the chest look flat quite plump. T-shirt inside the bag can be used to put important documents, certificates and pens, and some bags of mouth straight jacket there, dedicated to put glasses down vest pocket for the release of four valuable small items such as rings, lighters, do not like photography vest as bristle, seem dull.
trousers pocket for the right and left hand in such thick cigarette heating and put the hard things. pants on the right have put a watch fob. trousers two back pockets, the right used to put a handkerchief, a button is used to put the left rear bags purses, notepads and the like.
wear silver, white suit, suitable for wearing red, red, dark green, navy, brown black tie , give people a quiet, beautiful, Xiaosa feeling.
wearing red, purple suit, suitable for wearing white, butter yellow, silver, blue, emerald green tie, to show the effect of an elegant and luxurious .
wear dark blue, dark green suit, suitable for wearing orange, white, light blue, pink tie, so wear will give people a deep, subtle beauty.
wear brown, dark green suit, with appropriate wearing sky blue, butter yellow, orange and yellow tie, will show a delicate and elegant demeanor.
wear black, brown suit, suitable to wear silver, white, blue, white and red stripes or blue-black bar patterned tie, it will become more serious and generous.
today, men's shirt also added a lot of pop elements become colorful past is no longer a dull face. linen crepe, soft linen and other changes to men's shirts more soft and comfortable, white, beige, light gray, blue, yellow hh fashion to create a colorful world of men. Men are also guilty of this worry: how to wear shirts? social occasions men or men who want to shape the work elegant, dignified, easy-going self-image, it should choose the texture of fine, exquisite workmanship of the neutral color shirt, and those soft, beautiful, personalized shirts should remain in the casual occasions appearance.
wear casual shirts Do not forget the costume khaki, linen and other similar casual pants and casual shoes, style, color choices you can be arbitrary.
people a green black and yellow skin, gray shirt will look even darker and more yellow will cause some dirty feeling; fair-skinned people wear bright shirts can set off a very white skin, but tend to make men look too feminine, the lack of masculinity, of course, this is the trend of surging neutral fashion this summer place.
fat people wear a collar shirt small square will appear some stickle, cramped, should choose a large collar with a sharp shirt is more appropriate.
tall dignified man wearing a shirt collar Shangzhui not choose the kind of decorative buttons, shirts, despite the current vogue.
be sure to wear a floral shirt with a large amount of gold and silver ornaments to avoid, before people will think you are a South Seas off, and now it is possible that this is a stall to do sale of a small upstart. Of course, having read so many rules, you are inside and outside, up and down with clothes still not sure, then bear in mind that one: white shirt with anything, whether right.
to be a decent man: Men Notes clothing dress style no matter the color collage of black and white or light colored clothing, innovative work are subject to prudential judgments, can wear.
slightly wool cowboy style clothing material, for plain dress model surprises, but not intentionally costume cowboy boots, hat or shirt. it is the trend of large belt buckle taboo, unless you are a true cowboy.
tie those amazing style, it is shady, do not bring Street eyesores.
clothes do not fit the suit will only be counter to your appearance; the day the case of the suit button, sew anti-collar, starched collar position, soft, washable canvas lining and shirt body, it allows you to wear up to twelve hours is still not willing to take off.
bearing area, should avoid pacing back and forth hand into his pocket, and to get pocket change, less decency.
even if you have the ability to purchase a range of golf clubs, it does not mean you have to wear a necessity of old-fashioned golf sportswear, both may not complement each other.
clothes for hot days material: light-weight wool, cotton, nylon and thin pinstripe fabric.
thin stripe fabric wrinkle: not more than fifty or older who lack substantial manner, not wearing.
whether from any background, what profession, each of the men must have at least a tie, and black will be the most typical;, of course, can have a range of different styles of silk tie is even more ideal: two immersed color, a few striped, or even one to tie the two most decent brand name. There is a popular saying in Moscow: When you see favorite tie, you should buy it immediately, do not hesitate.
two New Zealand's best to wear a suit most of the grain; and three buttons in the middle of the one on the buckle or the middle and highest two.
a man, unless he was six years old or less, workers would be best not to wear pants.
usually a suit stitched the outer bag, and do not arbitrarily disassemble them, because they can keep the shape suits so easily deformed.
unless you are Elvis letter, or not to stay in his patent hair, far too bold a move even to stay, the length should be in moderation. beam root tail, how? beam was good-looking man is limited, or think twice.
mature men a bit of taste, for the warning signs or printed the T-shirt, be avoided.
upper best to keep the light, otherwise it would undermine the quality as the culprit.
in appropriate occasions, a little hair supplies inevitable; but in leisure time, do not let the wax head, setting the image of water limitations should try natural unrestrained.
taste in clothes as to be called. imagine the shirt is too small, the above coupled with a tie, then the full eleven wax intestine.
addition to the face and head and other parts of the hair should be retained.
your shirt collar men reflects your personality < br> shirts a man can best reflect the personality and taste, look mmm mmm
standard collar professional type of length and angle are open to the trend, , color to color and white is the most common, the most common style, but also the most difficult and most critical tie with a shirt pattern. I remember once fashion designer Ferre said: signs, and most able to reflect their own personality, but do not wear white. The men used to wear a white shirt, in fact, is the least of a personality. favorite white shirt who is good at not modified, they do things conservatively, no breakthroughs, but for the well. the same dress shirts, with blue lines or elegant color fabrics, taste and quality has improved immediately. If a man always wearing a shirt that appeared in the office, that his ability and taste are the best, he may be some critical, but certainly very polite and advocating romantic.
Harmonia white collar type of sub-mmm taste of plain or striped shirts, and some are made of white cuffs, collar and more as a standard collar or a spacious corner collar, the collar shape a lot, usually round, very good fit with the Pei Zili vortex pattern. Select Leis collar men, must pay attention to the coordination with, or an inattentive will be classified as Buckle collar around mmm traditional sewn Tiniu collar, tie on a cross from the Tiniu, fastening collar shirt collar stress strict, emphasizing the tie structure of the three-dimensional image, wearing the shirt collar must tie, and played smaller, often playing the summary closely, and must not be free to play loose tie knot, it seems appropriateness collar. buckle collar and dark tie to match the flower type conservative, fine warm stripes or striped fabric is British this section the best partners shirt.
open collar mmm romantic angle collar angle of about 120 degrees m180 degrees at the collar. This collar also known as the . said that when However, with matching tie popular smaller sports shirt, all shirts are not the only requirement a starched collar. typical American style, casual nature, comfort and convenience.
the collar grid used for casual shirts, such as denim shirts, and many more grid patterns or polka dot pattern-based, using the general structure of the fabric or oxford cotton fabric, but there are some business shirt with button collar and tie purpose is fixed, so the best knot silk tie with fine match, the tie only became good perimeter fine.
long pointed collar fashion model mmm slightly pointed collar slim, clean lines appropriately, with a wide range of characteristics of the new century dress, the tie is not very picky, a little abstract, a little cartoon , a little colorful printing, classical Safe hh stripes let their creativity, especially with the latest trends for the first two narrow split button suit jacket, stylish and restrained, very suitable for urban white-collar workers do not like publicity. < br> How significant increase in the charm mask defect size men's clothing and matching clothing styles, colors can have an impact on the body, which various types of body decoration and landscaping. in the choice of various types of clothing, stand on the need to take note of the body before the mirror own body. Your shoulders and hips ratio, your waist height. once you understand their bodies, then in the clothing and cover their handling of both defects, but also improve your mental outlook. in everyday life , the standard size of the people are few and supporting the purpose of clothing and body is through the illusion to achieve the perfect impression. by modifying the shape of your clothing, style, color, to make the overall look beautiful. such as through the adjustment of clothing more visually extend your legs shorter or reduce some prominent buttocks, or the narrower shoulders widened so.
our dividing line through different styles, fabric patterns, colors factors to be enriched in different body .
shoulder than the hip type of comparison of this type of body symmetry, a wider choice of clothing.
shoulders and hips are very high body type, in dark-colored clothing and horizontal elements available to increase the sense of weight.
3. shoulders than hips are stocky body type
, fabric patterns to choose more vertical line, and the need to compare the formation of the fabric. style on the horizontal symmetry clothing to avoid lines and button arrangements. Using fine some more appropriate belt.
body fat body fat for men in the overall beauty of a stocky, in order to look slim and then some, you can choose with a vertical line style, so that visually extend and narrow sense. fabrics with patterns on vertical, sense delicate fabrics close a good choice to avoid the appearance and style on the horizontal line corresponds to the shoulder and waist relaxed style. flat shoulder style, V-neck and vertical arrangement of the accessories can make some of your weight.
curved legs are short, curved legs type of man, pay attention to pants and tops mix of relationship. download the pigment should be more than the short coat, wool fabric with a desirable texture. On the whole dress, and not towards the development of deep tune. In style, the coat should be more changes, attention can be concentrated in the upper part, such as the increase amount of accessories, etc..
oriel oriel body size of men, is considered to texture and workmanship to be fine. use some thin belt, black shoes is appropriate to increase the lower weight.
7. Aishou level Tunxing
not easy to be too tight in the clothing should be loose dress for a certain degree. Also, remember not to have hypertrophy of the crotch. in the fabric should choose something with more texture of the fabric, to enhance the visual sense.
8. legs are short and abundant buttocks
fastened collar pay more attention to this body Department, to add some extended sense. more choices more stripes, lattice tops and fine dark belt, you can transfer other people's attention, while some of footwear should be pale.
9. face is large and the neck short and thick-type < br> Men's shorter and the neck is not a problem. If you have a double chin or jaw parts across your collar, you need to be adjusted to your collar, making it suitable necks.
10. Shoulder wide ramp and arm crude

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