Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reprint 80 to read these 44 words to go live

1, even if you have lost everything, and do not lose the smile ... ... -
2, encountered do not want to answer, direct eye contact, smile, silence. -
3, Love is like multiplication, one zero, the result is always zero ... ... -
4, the girls love to laugh, not bad luck. -
5, was obtained something to you, smile and him: What did you want to use me for? -
6, please remember that the definition of friends is: Do you mix well, her psyche happy for you; you mix well, and she sincerely worry for you. -
7, in fact, between boys and girls can have a pure friendship, but if you start to treat him with the ambiguous way, then you have no life that has a male confidant. -
8, you do not have so many viewers, do not be so tired. -
9, someone is trying and you vexatious, quiet look at him and said: Hello, I wish mood. And then leave. -
10, spoke to a very direct, very straightforward person, that hypocrisy is better than good. -
11, see through but do not tell the truth. A lot of things, as long as you know what you like, no need to say so. -
12, without violating the principle of the circumstances, to be tolerant of others, can help to help, do not leave people to force the no way out, people burn any bridges. -
13, not a bit overestimating their own strength in the collective, because when you choose to leave, they will find that even without you, The Sun Also Rises! -
14, to a certain degree of bad life will be better, because it can not be worse. -
15, if not happy and do not frown, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile ...-
16, do not always do good things, honest people often suffer. But the advantage is nothing to be ashamed. -
17, believed his words, but do not really ... ... learn a little hypocritical that any long eye ... ... -
18, certainly will not hurt people and I love the people I love ... ... -
19, learn to tolerate people who hurt themselves, because they are poor, each has its own difficulties. -
20, the weaknesses of human nature have a clear understanding, but I always believe that true love, love will always cherish the simple desire. -
21, since the hand, do not easily let go. Each person's love is limited, always bother to go to waste love, eventually you will find that you have not had the ability and courage to love again! -
22, not old in front of others you talk to your bare the vulnerability of the difficulties. -
23, do not do hedgehogs can not with enemies, enemies, not with people who are not with you forever, some things do not need to keep in mind. -
24, do not stop learning. No matter what, language, cooking, all kinds of skills. -
25, do not waste time on the Internet and watching soap opera. -
26, of ourselves a little better in a bad mood, what are other considerations, to eat their favorite bar. -
27, when you say goodbye in order not to hurt each other, you have to each other causing the greatest damage. -
28, important, love your family, always ....-
29, happy most important, who, what, the stuff make you happy, you with them. What things make you unhappy, you will leave him. No conditions, to create the conditions have to leave him. -
30, do not grab friend's boyfriend, even the ex-boyfriend, the girls fame more than anything else. -
31, not to hurt the boys and girls, boys do not love you, want you to do such dirty things. -
32, walk upright, to meet people who do not want to say hello, nod and smile, straight through. -
33, even if in love and do not use your boyfriend's money, that will make you love a heavy burden. -
34, do not work with friends or relatives, and finally you must hate each other. -
35, he can not be the best, but it must be the best for you. -
36, there is no perfect thing, there is no perfect person, the key is clear that in the end what you want. Be desired, will have lost another part. If you want everything, just nothing. -
37, have their own vision and goals for the future, women want to live their lives to fight for themselves. -
38, they do not like people, can be reported with silence; -
39, not always focusing on others, since your decision to love him like that, do so after making critical, ask others to progress in before, allow yourself to be progress. -
40, money is important, but can not rely on men or parents, and he must maintain a certain ability to make money. Not to find a rich man as their own standards, it looks like you never get happy. -
41, their fair share of things, and strive to a hundred points. -
42, not to trample on their dignity. You can live without him, but can not do without dignity. -
43, first learn to respect themselves, then others will love you. -
44, when a guy hurt you, keep calm, telling myself that one day my knees and begged me to let him, but I never ignore him. -
This article is reproduced from: dwelling: 80 words read to go after the life of this 44 -
E-mail reading space with QQ Subscribe dwelling -
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This article is reproduced from: fan Sī you: Reprint: 80 words read to go after the life of this 44 -
space with QQ Email Subscribe fans Sī you read -
What is the reading room ? -

Cute end of the year 2009, the most popular language - welcome to reprint

1, one day your name will appear in the account of this on my home!
2, than the salary paid to think about, well, want to live.
3, lived for twenty years, not for the motherland, do something for the people, each thinking of this, heartbroken.
4, I and the fight against fat, almost no sacrifice
5, Living Well, is born, to live ~ ~
6, then b must also fall in love, talking about the world is full of love.
7, the ship hit the bridge of natural Shen ~ ~
8, when you put on a dress I put on a robe ~ ~
9, I pray with Jesus, practical and stable life, he then said , let's first talk about peace in the world do it ...
10, love me Come on say it out loud! hate my life keeping everything on it!

11 , taking advantage of young, talented bad thing to have done it, not years.
12, I planted a bunch of her boyfriend in the spring and now fall to, tut, actually crop failure ~ ~
13, you have told me that I will always love, love this stuff I understand, But what ever?
14,-year-old boy is the most feared creatures on the planet, they have a curiosity, mobility, destructive, and true to its word - I said I did not repay the debt to pay back the money!
16, the summer is bad, even when the poor did not have to drink the northwest wind, fortunately, is now the autumn.
17, although I believe eachother, but may not believe you ah ~ ~
18, where I can not let go, It is because I have not a ~ ~
19, particularly people who had not said that he particularly , for example, me.
20, only two things in my life 1, 2 that it will not and will not

21, adults uncomfortable, comfortable non-adult ~ ~
22, I know, All good things banquet, but, at least, feast on the cool I want to eat!
23, explanation is cover to cover is the story ~ ~
24, people are not polite and can get along! < br> 25, whenever a difficult time I read Buddhist scriptures: meat is not bia ji mouth ~ ~
27, I wanted to be a problem teenager, but I do not follow rules to live for so many years.
28. If a bad mood, go to the supermarket squeezed noodles. Stressed types
29. Who delayed me for a while, I let him regret it for life.
30. closed a month, do not call me, call me because I would have come out of a ... ...

31. taxi driver, the driver of the fighter, oh yeah!
32 . thinking of how far you go away!
33. Zhuge Liang before coming out with a soldier did not, ah, you want me to have work experience Pingsha!!!
34. the work of the highest state watching other people work, led the wages of others.
35. fat and haggard with ~ ~
36. Yasuo you to quit when ever consider the feelings of 哆 啦 A Dream! (Prime Minister of Japan announced his resignation last year, when the writing)
37. I have style and bold, well head and the practical, hard-working self-examination but superior taste, faults, we also hope Haihan!
38. Get out of here, non-stop rolling ... ...
39. a man must be a Beng Bengtiao jump people.
40. I take my sunshine channel, you have your Modoribashi.

41. The greatest tragedy is not young, still in acne.
42. The world is ours, and also the children, but ultimately that bunch of grandchildren!
43. Our aim is to: Serve the People!
44. long time no one to leather was blowing so delightful!
45. -------------- simple secret of longevity to keep breathing, do not breathe ~ ~
46. the money really that important to you it? told more than 3 hours a penny does not drop.
47. killed I do not say that you do not make honey trap!
48. so I have money, I bought a bus, take the special bus lanes, special stop at the bus station , so someone wants to get on the train, and I said: I'm sorry, this is the private car ~ ~
49. A: perfect people, how do you say this is the United States ~ ~ B Shi Quan Eight: What are the two that I'm missing the United States? A: inner beauty and outer beauty ... ... B: ... ... ... ...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Practice a variety of fried rice

tomato fried rice
raw materials:
remaining rice 1 bowl, 1 tomato, fresh 1 egg, green onion 1.
1, Wash the diced tomatoes, green onions and light blue pick the net after each chopped onion leaves. Lay eggs with a small bowl stand;
2, Cold Heat lard under the pot, add soy fragrant light blue. Turn in the slow fire under the fried rice;
3, heat the oil until after the rice, and pour eggs, stir quickly to open fire, wrapped in the egg mixture evenly on the rice grains;
4, according to taste by adding sauce, seasonings, tomatoes under grain, onion leaves stir fry pan can be uniform.

fragrant pork chop rice
raw materials:
pork chops, cooking wine, black pepper, salt, flour (wheat flour), eggs, soy sauce, sugar, onion.
1, pork chop with a knife blade shoot loose, add cooking wine, black pepper, salt, marinated for 20 minutes;
2, dipped in flour, shake off excess flour, dip in egg mixture, make another on the bread flour, which is the key to make delicious pork chops 3 Steps;
3, uniform film on both sides of the bread flour, medium heat fry until golden on both sides, this step is not accidentally deleted photos
4, filament onion soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, boiling water directly about;
6, cover the lid look stew, eggs, Results from the good, Sheng good meal, the pork chops on the Rice Bowl.

claypot pork ribs
1, Guo Lifang on the meters of sand, looked at the amount of their own right, water (I have failed because the water is put too much) the amount of cooking more than usual, half of our fingers on it, put the pot on the stove, fire boil Gaixiao Fire Man Manao (either when mixing, so as not to stick pan);
2, cooking time, we marinate the ribs, wash clean, small ribs, put soy sauce, chicken, salt, soy flour and mix well;
3, when the rice almost ready, put the first points in the ribs, mix oil, rice on top, cover, or small fire, slowly cooked the ribs Wu, vegetables can put a good burning , the pot is small, a person can eat up! !

chicken rice:
raw materials:
200 grams of chicken, rice amount. (Rice and chicken component should be based on the number of population change in your home Oh)
small amount of salt, soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 / 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 / 3 tablespoons ginger, onion, coriander amount.
1, cleaned chopped chicken pieces, salt, soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, ginger tasty marinate for 10 minutes; (longer time points to better pickled, marinated chicken time we can deal with green vegetables. )
2, as usually used as cooking rice cooker cooking, water should be slightly less than usual a little bit, put the marinated chicken with marinade poured on top of boiled rice;
3, rice cooked, add chopped green onion and parsley, cover and continue to heat 6 to 8 minutes on it!
4, so out of rice, sweet rice, chicken tender, very tasty.

Yiyi Experience:
1, chicken can be replaced with pork ribs, chicken, chicken wings, sausage meat, and so can;
2, if you like what you can add vegetables simmered into suitable, such as potatoes, carrots, etc.;
3, rice cooking water, the water should be less than usual a little bit, because there will be some of the material rice water.

cabbage fried rice
raw materials:
2 eggs, remaining 1 cup of rice, cabbage shreds, green onion, a little.
1, pan heat oil, knock into the egg and gently stir fry do not look old, and little can be solidified;
2, Gaixiao fire, add rice to the eggs in the pot, even causal;
3, change the fire, add cabbage and green onion, stir fry until soft and cooked cabbage can be away from the fire plate.
simple bowl of fried rice, bringing a ray of family warmth. done using this method Anhai
cucumber fried rice, ham fried rice, bean sprouts, fried rice, fried potatoes, etc., as delicious. (Fried rice or bean sprouts, fried potatoes made in advance when the dishes cooked with boiled)

spinach egg rice
salted egg yolk, spinach, leftovers.
1, roll salted egg yolk broken, into the pan fried rice noodles to Hong Set aside;
2, boiled spinach, washed into the cooked, chopped, add sesame oil and mix well;
3, leftovers into the steamer steaming hot, hot when you mix vinegar, salt and salad oil to make soft sticky rice to keep loose. Jia Ruqie good when cooled spinach, mix well made Fantuan Zi, then sprinkle a little salted egg yolk. green pepper pork fried rice

materials (two copies):
1 green pepper, 2 eggs, 100 grams of pork, two pieces of ginger, 2 bowls of rice
soy sauce, sugar, chicken the right amount.
1, green pepper strips, beat the egg;
2, filament chicken meat, a little soy sauce, sugar, mix well, add small amount of oil and mix well.
1, pot of hot oil, three into the hot, add green pepper and stir fry quickly after the dish alternate color (fire);
2, with crude oil, put the pork, stir fry quickly to the color, the dish stand (fire);
3, or the use of crude oil, into the egg, use chopsticks as soon hurried down into the rice powder and stir into the amount of soy sauce (medium heat);
4, into the fried green peppers, pork, stir well then serve.

onion beef rice
raw materials:
beef slices on 120G about a half onion, a little kimchi, rice bowl, water 200ML, soy sauce, 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon and a half, a little salt, a little sesame oil, chicken little.
1, bovine brain chip on to the bloody red onion cut into thick filaments;
2, seasoning mix into the pan Heat until boiling;
3, the beef into Zhu Zhi, the color, the cooked onions to the onion, turn off the heat;
4, beef, onion, and Zhu Zhi spread to the white rice, the point a little bit of sesame oil, kimchi can be placed.

Pineapple Fried Rice
pineapple 1 / 4 (about 70 grams), onion 1 / 4 (about 50 grams), corn (about 50 grams), 2 Shuanghui sausage, green and red Caijiao the half, the egg one.
salt, amount of oil, oyster sauce 2 tbsp.
1, big pineapple;
2, pineapple meat picked up salt water soak 10 minutes; green and red Caijiao clean cut into small pieces; onion, diced; sausage cut into small pieces, wash and drain water corn kernels;
3, add a little water, beaten egg, fry Nongsan with a shovel;
4, the hot oil, saute onion;
5, add sausage fried side stir for 1 minute;
6, add corn kernels, fried side shed a little edge of water, stir-fry until dry water;
7, add the eggs stir fry evenly Jian Hao;
8, add green peppers tablets, put a little salt, stir fry a few (if you usually use oyster sauce if you can not put enough salt in salt also tasty, and must not put too much salt);
9, poured into the rice, stir fry evenly;
10, add 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce, stir well, add pineapple, stir together all the ingredients you can turn off the heat evenly to friends;
11, with a bowl hollowed out pineapple, and put on a bowl of color, the smell and taste of the pineapple dinner ready;
12, to see close-up, colorful, beautiful and delicious;
13, digging the flesh of the pineapple as a bowl, is not it make you more appetite.
fried rice is free of material, like what to eat to what to put, ah meat, seafood, ah, ah no so-called food, if not particularly do not like onions, I suggest put some onions, fried rice are particularly tasty, as long as the early release saute onion, and stir over a period of time, in fact, no onion, spicy flavor is the matter, leaving only flavor Rights;

egg sausage broccoli fried rice:
rice bowl, 1 egg, 1 sausage, broccoli small.
salt and oyster sauce.
1, Jun Jun has been cut Blanch the broccoli and different size and shape of the sausage;
2, Jun-Jun the most adept egg, egg put a little salt, add cold water half an eggshell;
3, broccoli stir fry; add rice, as Jun Jun Nongsan no way to rice;
4, side of fried sprinkle water 2 times sides, add oyster sauce to a bowl and began to eat slightly;

silver fried rice
2 eggs, 1 bowl of leftover rice, potatoes, a dice, a little chopped green onion, salt, a tsp.
1, wok heat oil, fry the egg into a alternate Sheng;
2, by pan fried potatoes, eggs, pour the remaining oil to stir fry for a little while, add water into the bowl of fried rice powder, turn a small fire seal the lid;
3, see the collection of water to make egg and green onion stir Sheng turned out transfer to a plate.

vegetarian fried rice:
leftovers bowl, 1 egg, onion 1 / 4, 2 pieces of tofu, Chinese cabbage 4.
2 tablespoons oyster sauce, salt and a small amount.
1, onion, tofu, Chinese cabbage chopped;
2, beat the egg, pour the leftovers into the mix evenly so that every grain of rice wrapped in egg mixture;
3, the hot oil, stir into the onions, Chao Chu flavor, add tofu stir-fry for 2 minutes, add cabbage stir for 1 minute, add 1 tablespoon of water, cover and simmer for 2 minutes , salt seasoning (not too salty), Dish READY;
4, re-heat the pan, pour in the rice wrapped in egg, fried in the fire fast, because the wrapped egg, it must be deft fried rice can be causal, then add fried onions, tofu , stir fry with Chinese cabbage, add oyster sauce, stir well, you can install disc it!

spinach fried rice:
raw materials:
spinach, eggs, green onion, rice, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil.
1, spinach fried rice, spinach washed Shuitang fish out;
2, oil heat, add chopped green onion saute, add eggs, saute, stir into rice and spinach for 2 minutes;
3, a little soy sauce, sugar, salt, sesame oil into the pan.

Kimchi Fried Rice
raw materials:
loaded with spicy cabbage, rice amount, salt, chicken, oil and a small amount.
1, spicy cabbage, cut into small pieces.
2, pan oil pan, into the spicy cabbage stir fry, then add the rice, chicken and salt and stir fry, pan.

pork chop with rice
(3 persons) through ridge pig 250 grams of salt 1 / 4 tsp white pepper, onion 60 grams, half a green onion, 3 eggs (which used to stick wrapped meat 3 tablespoons), low 2 tablespoons flour, bread crumbs amount.
soy sauce, cooking wine, the taste Lin 60ml (plus a small amount of rice wine taste Lin sugar substitute available, if not to only use rice wine soy sauce, cooking wine and a little sugar instead.)
1, wash and drain through ridge, about 0.5cm thick, cut into large, grasping absorbed salt and pepper marinated for 10 minutes;
2, Wash membrane onion, shredded; washed and shredded green onions;
3, the egg broken into the egg, three spoons to scoop out the meat for a while stick wrapped;
4, respectively, the marinated meat wrapped in low-dip powder, egg and bread crumbs;
5, into the oil pan (oil should be a little more) a small fire to both sides of steak fry until yellowish color (also available under the pan fried meat, so that a more refined look better and keeps out); and then cut into thick Article;
6, the soy sauce, taste Lin, wine mixture and mix thoroughly, the wok to boil;
7, onions and boil and pour into large onion, Cook for a moment;
8, add pork chops, and then quickly into the egg, cover the basic solidification Gail Cook until the egg mixture. Finally, a good pork chop
pour cooking rice can enjoy.

Assorted Fried Rice
raw materials:
amount of cold rice, eggs, shrimp, crab meat, peas, carrots, corn grain amount, oil, salt, chicken, green onion amount.
1, chopped shrimp, crab meat dices, carrot dices.
2, peas, corn, carrots, heat water, cook until slightly cooked, add a little salt eggs, pan fried and tender.
3, Guo Lifang a little oil, put chopped green onion blasting pot, stir fry under the shrimp and crab meat, add the vegetables over the water, with salt and then stir fry.
4, into the cold rice, add chicken, whole Guo Chao evenly.

lentils fried rice
raw materials:
lentils, bacon, carrot, onion and rice.
soy sauce, chicken right amount of sugar a little.
1, wash the rice soak more than four hours;
2, frying pan heat oil, yellow onion stir to dry after adding bacon and stir-Hong;
3, add carrots and stir well;
4, add lentils, transferred all the spices, such as green lentils situation as quickly dish up back;
5, take the casserole, add soaked rice and put it into practice all 4 ingredients, mix well;
6, as the case properly, add water, can be added to flush with the material;
7, caps, water Gaixiao open, fire, and stew until cooked Serve with rice.

glutinous rice sausage peas
fresh peas, sausage, rice, chopped green onion.
cooking oil, salt, broth.
1, sausages, steamed, diced standby;
2, glutinous rice, wash, add appropriate amount of boiling broth or water;
3, add a little non-stick cooking oil in the pan, under the green onion until fragrant, stir fry under the pea;
4, add a little water and continue to stir fry until cooked peas, Sheng out of standby;
5, pot add a little oil, under the cooked glutinous rice, cooked sausage, the small, scattered mix planning; salt seasoning; Finally, add peas, mix well.

fried beef shutters
rice, cooked beef blinds, onion, green pepper 3.
1, venetian deli to buy cattle (also considered in order to complete the most simple delicious dishes, and sometimes do not need anything else they had prepared), onions, green peppers washed and shredded.
2, pot base oil, oil heat, stir into the onions and peppers a few minutes the fire. Then pour cooked beef blinds, add soy sauce, salt and a little sugar stir fry a few.
3, and then stir into the rice ready to open. Rice is best to use overnight, so not much moisture in the rice, it is easy causal.

4, a simple fried rice or can also be called rice bowl, extra meals at home, you can also try the. Tripe has four, one of the blinds is the belly. Used to do pot and Mao Xuewang. Do not eat is outside the cellular and two stomach and grass belly, it is easy to identify, like a small honeycomb stomach honeycomb surface, grass surface domesticated hen's belly, the thick meat. Commonly used to Lu Cai, very tasty .

shrimp fried rice
shrimp, onions, green peppers, ginger, onions, cooking wine, salt, oil, eggs, pepper.
1, removed from the refrigerator to thaw shrimp
2, onions, green peppers diced standby
3, pick the shrimp to shrimp pot line into the water, heat, onions, ginger, rice wine, shrimp cooked shrimp stand stripped
4, pot heat the oil into the egg, fry scattered reserve
5, the pot of oil heat, add onions, green peppers stir fry Ding
6, were placed into the egg stir fry shrimp with salt pepper, stir well after turning to.

Who sings the lonely winter night

; January 11, 2008 ; clear

Friday morning at the moment is, my son was sleeping next to a very sweet, he sent a little air came the Han Sheng.
the past few days, is a rare winter weather, and insomnia is nothing to do with the weather.
insomnia can not wait to break into the more my world, the more I am filled with melancholy and anxiety.
through sleepless nights, I began to recall those days: lightning married, have children.
add up all the time just for 1 year.
I started in a trance ~ ~ ~

addition of the dream in the night insomnia, people will always miss the old life.

and now only those who have left or grief or joy people can not wipe away the memories.

tonight, I decided to summon the courage of his ability to express my ideas.
time to start the timer ... ...

the moment when he should understand, as if the air in the room suddenly became tense, then that is the breath of silence, silence in the silence of the night was beginning to seem .
When I was preparing spoke again when we come to see his furrowed brow, and I've never seen the lonely.
that moment, I suddenly find themselves very cruel, I realized that these words have been deeply hurt him.
, he no longer talking to me, I only saw white smoke from his fingertips to spread around a circle, then slowly spread in the air over his face.

I know when to say some words, for never going before.
two people there will be some distance from the heart, like rubbing salt into the wound like, leaving only the pain.

more quiet night, the clock is still ticking through the stop, and no air because of the dignified and stagnation.
son lying beside me into the bedroom, watching her sleeping face, the heart suddenly calm up.
he went to room, the door close button followed death, after they no trace of noise.
at the moment, I no sleep, but my heart a lot easier, maybe I like the conversation this evening released the load.
and he do not know whether to sleep or think?
I think no matter what kind of a result tomorrow, I believe that if we continue, we will certainly be out of the darkness and usher in the warm sun.
look at the clock, has been pointing to 2:00, I told myself: ; ; ; ; ; Yx 02:00

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Eight Characters with ancient marriage , quite accurate

1950 Gengyin is wood (tiger)
1951 年 Xinmao is wood (rabbit)
1952 年 Imjin is water (the dragon)
1953 年 Kuei already water (the snake)
1954 年 Jiawu is a gold (Ma)
1955 年 Yi Wei is a gold (sheep)
1956 年 Bingshen to fire (monkey)
1957 年 Ding is a fire (chicken)
1958 年 Reform Movement is a wood (dog)
1959 years have a wood hai (pig)
1960 年 Boxer territories (mouse)
1961 年 Boxer territories (cattle)
1962 年 Renyin is a gold (Tiger)
mao is a 1963 Gold (Rabbit)
1964 年 Jia Chen is a fire (Long)
1965 年 Otomi is a fire (the snake)
1966 年 Heigo is water (MA)
1967 年 D not be water (sheep)
1968 年 Shigenobu territories (monkey)
1969 年 Jiyou territories (chicken)
1970 年 Gengxu are gold (the dog)
1971 年 Hsinhai is a gold ( pig)
1972 年 Prince is a wood (mouse)
1973 年 Guichou is wood (cattle)
1974 年 Jiayin is water (Tiger)
1975 年 Yi Mao is water (rabbit)
1976 年 territories Bing-Chen (Dragon)
1977 年 Dimba dependent territories (the snake)
1978 年 Wu Wu is a fire (MA)
1979 年 Ji Wei is a fire (sheep)
1980 Gengshen is wood (Monkey)
1981 年 Xin is a wood (chicken)
1982 年 Saigon is water (the dog)
1983 年 Guihai is water (pig)
1984 年Jiazi are gold (mouse)
1985 年 Yi Chou is a gold (cattle)
1986 年 Bingyin to fire (Tiger)
1987 年 Dingmao to fire (rabbit)
1988 年 Boshin is Wood (Long)
1989 年 already had wood (the snake)
1990 年 Gengwu Dependent Territories (Malaysia)
1991 年 Xinwei territories (sheep)
1992 年 Renshen is a gold (monkey )
1993 年 癸酉 is a gold (chicken)
1994 年 Awake is a fire (the dog)
1995 年 Yi Hai is a fire (pig)
1996 年 Rat is a water (rat) < br> 1997 年 Dingchou is water (Bovine)
men and women gold gold - two gold couple hard on hard, no men and women keep availability, fight day and night fighting words or not, everyone looked down upon the heart of the male golden
Female wood - metal and wood are not husband and wife for many years, playing loud cry all day again and again, the original second order are harmful, Half a marriage and widowhood edge
Male Golden girls water - water couple sitting Diocese of gold, money accumulated radiant, two children Students correct, all wise men and Golden girls learn post
fire - not marriage married chaos, Qude wives are poor, children, family wealth without bulk, the original disaster gold fire gold Female Male natal
soil - good marriage husband and wife Kim of soil, food and clothing to worry about blessing of nature, sub-Sun Xingwang family wealth, Fluke queen thousands of years
Male Female Golden Wood - and a good husband and wife should intersect, money, domestic animals over Villa, raising children name Yang, Mu Jin Wangui
men were a female wood wood - Double Wood Fumanduo couples, money, everything more fun, more than the original wood two lucky star, born more intelligent children. Female Male Wood
water - men and women water wood touch wood, into the room the family wealth often, and often valuable heavy as a mountain, was born male children of Phi Mu women Pathetic
fire - Muhuo couple big Jichang, this door day of a good marriage, domestic animals for the full trip slaves, men and women wise men and wooden fu female from Long
soil - Civil husband and wife should not be a disaster to invasion of diseases, the spread of two-phase g, I, cry day and night alone
male water Female Gold - Jinshui couple rich, high strength, wealth accumulation of a hundred long, marital harmony future hui, Wo storage fields and houses in the water Longevity Male Female long
wood - wood water couple good marriage, financial precious Fu Wong Kenjiro, plot positions Juma Wo the full House, upright men and women learn a new article
Male Female water Water - Two water radiant wife, children prosperous smart home, a happy marriage welfare queen, full of good scenery
warehouse property, the fire men and women of water - fire and water do not match the husband and wife, eat at home sleeping outside because of two fortune tellers grams of harm, Half a marriage Half a worry
Male Female soil water - soil and water deposits near the couple, three thousand six hundred ninety-five see the plague the king, the two fortune tellers grams also sad to marry foreign land elsewhere Buick
Male Female golden fire - fire couple grams of gold relatives could, I do not know what criminal element in the body, if there is not filial stability, hurt the poor sub-Sun Shougu
Male Female wood fire - fire wood a good marriage, husband and wife, son Sun Xiaoshun home Yip Wong, domestic animals are abundance of money and grain, I, rich men and big Jichang
female fire water - water and fire though the couple love, marriage does not cry deep end, children, if there is a rich, old or lonely people to
Male Female Fire Fire - Two fire couples worry day and night, wives and children tears, two fortune tellers grams should not together, the Four Seasons Fire lonely women degree male spring
soil - a good match fire earth husband and wife, senior Paul-bit immediate wind, the two combined to no grams of harm, children never wise men and rich soil
female gold - gold soil is marriage couples, two love to a hundred years, the inner chamber and domestic animals Fu Ping, born daughters were reunited
men and women of soil wood - Civil couples with different views , anti-red eye of grams ruthless, the main food and have no children quebracho, Half a marriage family wealth space
Male Female soil water - soil water, the couple set a beast, received a home set for disaster, wives and children of all things, the family cold Finance Female Male territories do not come
fire - fire, earth couple big Changji, finance long-grain worry about longevity, smart students correct their children, enjoy prosperity for a good time
Male Female soil soil - a good marriage husband and wife double earth of joy Fu I, queen, children, clever and more prosperity, riches and honor good homes

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lazy quotations (too cute hehe ~ can forget all the trouble !)

1) happy days , that is, insisted on going to bed eat a day.
2) monitor , you see my eyes more firmly.
3) I'm cute, have a sense of responsibility in the end I done?
4) Wolf, Big Ben Wolf , always match for Xi Yang Yang , but also to wait on the red Hashimoto.
5) Now that you are the Aidong Gua , I am a high fortune.
6) I'm Lazy , I love to eat something , eat a lot of things , eating things to sleep, to sleep a big Lanjue, Lanjue sleep more, eat something , and then sleep late.
7) to sleep around is good.
8) I was having nightmares , and feel like and the Wolf fellows.
9) Why do I always hurt .
10) Pleasant : If Wolf changed for the better , what would you ?
Lazy : I am very sad, because it is not fun .
11) I have not woke up it ( complained )
If so, sleep for a sleep to say it (ZZZ)
Do Interfere with my sleep ( crazy in )
12) I do not want Colonel Chuishi Ban squad leader when I right? ( bull )
13) I have a long time and I did not potato chips , chocolate , candy reunited . . . ( bull )
14) Success is 99% plus 1% of the efforts of genius .
15) every year at this time , I have to think on a long, long time , this is the most painful of my life time .
16) I do not do anything, we have the opportunity to play to their strengths.
17) mayor , I admit I did a not very conscientious , there is no will, the lamb .
18) grasp the opportunity , but on their own .
19) I will not be the sheep and the general insights .
20) clever sheep harvest will always be unexpected .
21) you are bullying me , I told the village head to go.
22) you can not take care of me now is for girls ?
23) I was born to noble sleeping sheep.
24) help ah! Village , Xi Yang Yang to sell a kid ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
25) I am also a waste sheep, goat they often laugh.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Like the silence of the night, lit a cigarette, counting the smoke filled the footsteps of the night to see the wound, pain after another, watching the smoke lonely, scattered layers.
?? like upset, breathing past the debris in the heart, Zhanzhuan lost mood. Smoke, take care of the mouth goes silent, the heart, sentimental feelings that lost.
?? lit a cigarette, the dark thoughts, whole body light, twilight, monocular awakened from a dreamless wide open, looking for a memorable journey.
?? dim street, a figure drifting.
?? lost the fingers, a trauma crying.
?? smoke, such as scarred calendar, the more fuel the more short stretches of loneliness, but dried up as the ashes of Zen, the more the longer the drop, smoke in the story, turned a sympathetic one-sided, painful, desolate sad the night.
?? blurred the coffee shop, mixing dark corner, curling red cigarette butts, your shadow is still so obvious, you figure that people stop pictures of charming, light red wine pan, one every friends drunk, holding thousands of hazy smoke in the cup, slowly tea light TV drama such as sand music, come to a close, smoke in the miss, the warmth retaining a winding, difficult before you.
?? smoke little by little, the situation for some period, smoke in the weight loss, the situation in the transformation, see the twinkling of an eye, such as smoke led forgotten, but also as clouds of thick loose to take it lightly.
?? Time flies, emotions falling off, smoke the lonely, exiled how many of the Spring and Autumn and make the flowers bloom Yun of the joys and sorrows, the smoke of burning in an upsurge of surging.
?? light burning, as the old hand by.
?? settled, like the memory of the wave and fell.
?? you say I do not smoke in the past, when enjoyed from the share of other differences come to their senses, in fact, I already saw, lay your fingers over the traces of smoke, it is not gurgling after water, after the dense rough.
?? smoke in the tears, the ups and fans into a melancholy sigh of competing values, Hanyu sunset, burning out and put out the story, only that breath of smoke, still in silence as you miss in the clear.
?? thought of the lonely burial horizon, thought of the confusion cigarette reduced the wilderness, thought about the situation with cigarette and quit cruel, lonely, lonely time, when available, to think that the first sad song, and imagine you can quit smoking, but quitting smoking was more difficult.
?? no smoking, no longer forgotten, no longer lonely day put a smile, a touch of quiet solitude where exclusive tobacco and ice.
?? smoke in the lonely, having an affair with the Red Dust, the misty mood, thoughts of ancient times was on the torch.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fried rice with beef powder

Fried rice with beef powder 2008-6-5 less than ten square meters bedroom stuffed with a television, a bed, two computers, this is all they graduate in four years time activities space, a large living room as if into a promise the debris showroom.
standing with his back to the two computers, he and she looked forward focus. The difference is, he fought in the PK, where she indulged in the chat.
two people had graduated many years, a common hobby is Internet access, often after work, they will not stay out more, hastily went to the home. Call home, is somewhat far-fetched, at best, only a rental, it is perhaps more precisely cafes.
meet their daily time in hours outside of that length is not long, they speak of the time only occasionally looked up at the dinner, the moment, then they fight on their own computer.
she likes to eat beef, the restaurant downstairs powder, and he only like the fried rice across the street. She always complain that he's fried rice was too greasy, and he often blame her tears spicy beef powder. Fortunately, they find their love, they have no dispute. As they find their love of the game and indulge, as seemingly have no problem.
to think that they rarely have any problems living conditions, even if occasionally so the slightest concern for the future, it was immediately attracted by the game's in full swing. Future? Still far off, speaks sort of heart Oh.
worry about the people for them and recite it, family friends have offered advice and suggestions, so they go out and walk on the streets to see the film Yes, they can only maintain a better relationship.
everyone knows, is not that they do not want to go out, just the two of shopping in their history, no hint of the highlights worth mentioning, not her home Qi Gugu to walk away, that he returned, frowning bitterly.
others surprised Road, which eight years how did you get through it?
used to it! The first two had spontaneously answered.

they are college classmate, a full four-year university leisure time are spent in the bar, whether a weekend or holiday, or even Valentine's Day, and their presence without exception, in Internet cafes.
At first, he only taught her how to use QQ, send Email and other simple things, and gradually she began to follow the popular at the time he learned all kinds of stand-alone game.
until senior year, they met the legendary one.
He is a warrior, a priest natural choice for her.
the original pioneers in that era, how this combination of economic benefits.
their first hole into the legendary zombie, fighting hundreds of rounds that night, she made a terrible dream home infested with zombies. After listening to her dream, he laughed, thinking she was no longer touch this game, who could have guessed her all the more obsessed. This is his unexpected things.
zombie hole, centipede-dong, pig hole, all the way left their growth footprint. A little too big, Tomb array has become a good place for leveling them, he stood on the corner waving a half months chic machete, not far from her hidden in hard cure anti-magic, this day I do not know how long repeated. Network management of Internet cafes and even jokingly that they met they will make Tomb couple.
though they are understanding, but also gradually breed out of weariness.
I do not know when, she was tired of living like Tomb accurate to say she was tired of the nursing profession.
defense, magic, healing, which she did everything for him, nothing more. Few words between them, sitting adjacent to, why should the keyboard, even to drink water, only reaching effort.
Gradually, removed from the Tomb of the day, nap became her routine. She often awakened by his clamor, the original, she's one o'clock nap, so that the couple died in chaos on the Tomb under trotters.
Since then, his words more up, is to prevent the continuation of her nap, the most frequent words is nothing less than

protect the Master, how to play BOSS. unknown. She does not understand that it is only a game, why seriously.
always behaved instinctively she began to resist his
damn Tomb, Farewell to it!
she packed up and started for the first time since the birth Mafa trip.
far unknown dangers may be full of ups and downs, but no longer do that as long as the nap of the little nurse, she was jumping for joy. She took command of the Silver Snake looked at a small firm ribs toward the back of the hole zombies, and he shook his head, puzzled, then pulled out a priest under a stone tomb with friends, do not raise another.
year's winter vacation, they go home. He could not on the line, she is still on the line every day at home.
been leaked like a kitten, looking around to looking at everything around him.
she began to try to relate to people, chat, team Daguai. Into the line will be the first to know many, many friends far apart, you know, before that, she did not say a word with a stranger.
year's New Year's Eve, she spent a legend.
she likes to make friends, and people to talk to her curious about new things all the unknown. She was friendly and without the slightest guard.
the winter of that year, she met a man in the game, she called him brother, in her view that there is nothing wrong, but he sounds like the title is very ambiguous.
Since then, their endless squabbling.
more he would not let her do, she happens to do, the extent of her increasingly rebellious eat even their own surprise.

love not only meet, but to move forward side by side, hand in hand, straight, never, do not slack off, not tired, never betray efforts.
This is the oath that they had love, but in the virtual network in such a vulnerable.
is wrong with him, he not love her? She was not you?
Or is her fault?
the review may not be just the two of them only.
meet again, their eyes filled with dismay.
reconciled, is the logical thing, not a cent of the twists and turns.
but he was not too much to interfere with her things, and she is no longer hard-edged rebellion.
At this point, they have embarked on graduate work. Home from work every day, find entertainment, we configured the two computers, installed cable, they began their career in the game. They changed the N-
online games, and turn to find two people to play or not to go, he still blame her for the operation of sucks, does not make progress only chat. And she still does not complain about his gentle inconsiderate not romantic.
Road different is not to cooperate.
simply went to the other online games that he alone, and she turned a large circle, back to the legend, because there are still her friends. She is still on the legend of a day and never tired of talking to someone in her eyes, the story is a big chat room Live Flesh, often far apart to meet people, 酒逢知己千杯少, every day seems to have lots to talk about the topic.
but she and his words less and less, much 话不投机半句多 the mean. Gradually, she was aware that such a wrong. She complained more than once with friends, did not have any action after complaints.
two people speak a rare but often sweat the small stuff quarrel. This does not, they fight again. The cause is nothing more than her own taste, he added a few vegetables in the fried rice. Ears had heard from the cocoon of friends shook his head helplessly.

faltered, and then not words.

eggs, vegetables do not onions. and then buy the wrong like last time, I can not eat. Who bought the last bit of beef chili powder are letting go, I end up victims of collapsed.
eggs, while a smile.

the way home, carrying her share of hot fried rice, thoughtfully.
That is, of course, eat for several years. lips do not always forgive. He white at her, which was then hard.
they resumed the quiet, the ear can hear the faint sound of the background of the game.
wonder why today's bright red powder actually a little taste of beef did not, she put down the chopsticks, making a cup of strong black coffee trying to wake up your taste. Is still valid.
she returned to the computer desk, did not visit the game as usual.
but quietly shut the computer, looking at the familiar and strange man.

One of the magic secret through the ages ( Dermatology ) bis ( surgical ) of three ( Internal Medicine )

magic through the ages one of the secrets (Dermatology)

1, skin itching: fresh chives and Taomi Shui, according to the weight of one to 10, with a good, the first two hours and then with boiling hot, to leek washed itches or taking a bath, a effective, not washed off with water body, once daily, and even washing 3 days can be more. -

2, psoriasis, tinea capitis, stubborn psoriasis: a pig, prick, the bile on a small bowl, add alum (such as soya bean), to be melted paint with bile affected area 2 times a day for 7 days. This side treatment of psoriasis for many years, the magic effect of stubborn psoriasis.
3, all kinds of dermatitis: a raw egg, vinegar in place the whole eggs soak for 7 days. Remove the egg and then coated with egg white to break the affected area, daily 2 - 3 times, 7 days more. Ji Jiu, spicy thing. -

4, Scabies, malignant sore, sore unknown: the white feather a burning ash, into a paste with sesame oil, daily suffering outer coating 2 - 3 times, once every 5 - -7 days, excellent results.
5, eczema: a camphor ball, put half a catty vinegar dip 3 days, paint the affected area with vinegar 3 times a day to cure. Effects.
6, gall bladder, ulcer: a small group with a pipe down the oil (or smoked a cigarette filter tip 3), with the amount of water and mix thoroughly, coating the affected area 3 times a day, once every 3 to 5 days heal. -

7, sweat stain ringworm: single head of garlic (or small garlic) smashed, wrapped with gauze, dipped in vinegar rub affected area (wipe with a slight irritation to local heating), three times a day , with 5 to 7 days. -

8, flat warts: each with purslane * 20 grams (40 grams of fresh products), Radix * 15 grams, Jiantang bowl of Oral and leave a small amount of external application, a twice a day, once every 10 days. Divisible warts.
9, vitiligo: Take dew (preferably with a leek leaf dew) a pound, adding snake shell * 5 grams, into a jar, buried underground over a half months later removed, coated with water affected area three times a day, once a January-February. Can also be used purslane * 30 - 60 grams, a bowl of decoction taken orally, the second day. -

10, hives, prickly heat: add appropriate amount of fresh leek juice, alum, painted the affected area every day, and rub to the skin, redness, fever, three times a day, 2 - 3 days Jiyu . -

11, athlete's foot, I'm feeling: a pound of vinegar, add one or two of garlic, peeled, 1 alum money, soak in vinegar after 3 days with the hands, feet, a 5 minutes, wash after dipping, once daily, once a 10-day, will not be issued. -

12, hands, feet sweating: alum * 5 money, hot water, 2 pounds, with melted dipping hands and feet, a 10 minute stop its air dry after dipping a day time, 5 days after the hands and feet sweat normal. -

13, hand, foot and cracked (chapped, rough): a couple of raw suet or lard, add honey or sugar 3 money, even paint the hands and feet pounding, day 2 - 3 times 7 days may be more general. Then paint a few days later without recurrence.
14, frostbite is not broken: the 10 pointed pepper, ginger half two, liquor half a catty, with the dip into the bottle after 3 days, in the beginning of frostbite, skin irritation itching when the paint on the affected area, day 5, there are special effects. Used ten days to eradicate half recovery, no recurrence. -

15, frostbite has been broken: old cotton (the more the better old), burned ash, paint the affected area with sesame oil and mix thoroughly, three times a day, apply a good date, not at all. -

16, Liriodendron wind, onychomycosis: vinegar 1 kg, by adding one or two peeled garlic, cigarettes, silk (ten), soaked in vinegar with two hands later, a 10-minute, day two times, after dipping can wash with water, used in conjunction with special effects 10. (This side is best used in large hot summer days) -

17, boil, boil, carbuncle (unknown swelling, pain, take back): raw potato mash, coated surface of the skin, cloth, for a day, usually 5 days can be more. -

18, corn, wart: first, the external surface of the skin with a sharp knife to the old leather trimmed away. Cool and then coated with oil, fire, cigarettes smoked, to insist on a little pain when removed after the fireworks, the second day, once every 10 days, after a half months off not at all. -
19, burns: live earthworms amount, add a little sugar into the water, coating the wound three times a day, once every few days are cool pain relief, tissue regeneration function, and will not leave scars , special effects. -

20, Meteors, erysipelas (more patients in the lower limbs, skin redness, swelling, heat, pain accompanied by chills, fever, headache): the first one or two of fresh melon skin, burning bowl Oral and Waicha soup, twice a day for 5 days may be swelling and pain, clearing heat and detoxification. -

21, mosquito bites (redness, itching): You can use garlic, ginger rub, or vinegar, toothpaste, salt water, cigarette ash and mix thoroughly coated by adding human saliva, can be immediately effective anti-itching, swelling detoxification. -


; ; eternal magic secret bis (surgical) -

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1, arthritis, frozen shoulder (including rheumatic, rheumatoid arthritis): edible thin salt 1 kg, put the pot sizzling, add onions to be, ginger 3 money, together with a cloth, wrap the affected area while hot to cold salt; once daily, once a week, with the effect of dampness Herd.
2, injured workers back pain: * one or two leaves, one or two crab shell yellow fried, dip a pound of liquor, wine coated the waist three days, 2-3 times a day, 7-10 days, can be cured for many years low back pain. -

3, renal deficiency, low back pain: silk seeds half a catty, fried yellow research into a powder. Liquor delivery service, every time a money, the second day, served Jiyu. The governing party also low back pain after childbirth. -

4, sciatica: a pound of edible thin salt, sizzling Hou Jiayi leaves * one or two, wrap the affected area with a cloth to salt and cold, once daily, once every 5-10 days. (Salt can be repeated every day use).
5, cervical pain: sheep bones (raw, cooked may be) two two smashed fried yellow, dip white wine 1 kg, three days after wiping the neck, three times a day, usually 15 days, however, can cure.
6, bone spur (bone hyperplasia): couple of dog bones, smashed fried yellow dip white wine 1 kg, three days after the affected area with rubbing alcohol (preferably with a cup of food for this wine), three times a day, needed a half months can be more. -

7, leg cramps: * one or two mulberry fruit, fried one drink a bowl of soup, the second day, 5 days recovery.
8, numbness of the limbs: * twelve old loofah bars, fried a bowl of soup a dose, the second day, and even served a week, have effects. -

9, internal and external hemorrhoids: a large cement per day, will cover removed. Money into borneol * 1, 5 minutes to take Tu anal water snail, 2 times a day, 7 days recovery, avoid Chijiu, spicy thing. -

10, shot agglomeration: the potatoes cut into half cm thick slices and wrap the affected area, and then hot towels cover, the second day, a 20-minute mass dissipation ,2-3 days. -

11, body odor: pepper, pepper the 50, and research into powder, then add borneol * 2 money, with medical alcohol and mix thoroughly, take a day a small group of painted surface of the skin and attached with adhesive tape good for one day, once a half can be eradicated.
12, crooked eye and mouth (facial nerve palsy): eel blood painted face, painted on the left of the left askew, and wipe with the palm of your hand from left to right repeatedly, every 2 minutes, the second day, to do the right anti-distortion is , once a three or four days is positive.
13, prolapse of the rectum (anal Solutions stool off): each with leek half a catty, 2 pounds boiled water to wash anal opening, the second day, wash three days. -

14, stiff neck (as a pillow or sleeping position discomfort caused by neck pain): leek juice heated neck rub, rub seven or eight days. 2-3 days to cure. -

15, quit smoking: a couple of dried pumpkin vine *, fried Tonga amount of brown sugar a serving bowl, three times a day, 7 days and never want to smoke.
16, alcohol: a live eel, put a bottle of liquor, dip two days after the wine, 1 1-2 two or three times a day, will be served wine never want to drink after a drop of wine. -

17, alcohol is not drunk: Gegen * 1 money, drink water before drinking a cup and then drink alcohol solvable, so people will not drunk. -

18, scabies (old rotten feet): tofu sizzling, deposited surface of the skin, cloth, for one day, eventually becoming incurable bad foot heal.
19, lymphatic system: inquiry into the snail shells fried yellow powder, sesame oil and mix thoroughly with dressing the affected area for one day, once every 7-10 days.
20, longevity health wine: magnet, fleece-flower root *, jujube, walnut, medlar * the one or two, dip white wine or rice wine jin, two days after eating at regular drinker at the wine, such as the elderly can face ruddy Changyin to enhance resistance to disease, a delay aging effect. -

eternal secret of the three (Internal Medicine) -


1, since the beginning of a cold: light blue (even have), ginger slices 5 money, water, a bowl of fried open, add appropriate amount of hot red Tong said the first dose (no dose onion ginger), and immediately went to sleep, sweating Jiyu.
2, several days of cold: Use the same first day, Also, before going to sleep at night, with garlic mash, apply two Zuxin (Yongquan, soy tablets per Zuxin can apply) , cloth, thrown off the next morning, once every 2-3 days Jiyu.
3, headache (all kinds of headaches can be): a white radish juice, two drops of each drop of the nose (both nostrils are drops), twice daily, once every 4-5 days, you can dig up the roots. Jichi pepper, pepper. -

4, dizziness (lightheadedness, dizziness): a duck, bean 20, stir boiling water, the morning flight, one day of this, for 7 days have effects. Avoid Chijiu, spicy. -

5, insomnia, dreams: before going to bed with a half-basin of hot water, add one or two of vinegar foot soak for 20 minutes, and the raw light blue 1-2 roots.
6, dry cough (cold or other causes may be): raw black sesame seeds 3 money (about a spoon), crystal sugar, were broken open water the morning flight, 3 days recovery, eating fish. -

7, cough with sputum (including acute bronchitis, bronchitis, children, bronchitis): white radish twenty-two, pear two liang, a bowl of water with chopped cooked add appropriate amount of crystal sugar consumption, the second day used in conjunction 3 days. Phlegm. With Article IX with the use.
8, Old bronchitis (chronic bronchitis): take the winter frost after playing one or two gourd vine *, licorice * a money, water, a bowl of decoction dose, the second day, once a half months to 20 days can cure. Avoid alcohol, spicy things, preferably with the use of Article IX.
9, chronic cough (cough caused by emphysema and bronchitis, etc.): alum twelve, and research into the flour into a paste with vinegar, soy freshman group to take every night before bed deposited Zuxin (Yongquan, two-legged are deposited), cloth, thrown off the next morning for 7 days have effects. -

10, asthma (asthma in children with): dry earthworm * catty, fried yellow research into powder, with sugar water, blunt, a 2 money (about half a spoon flour) the second day, served Jiyu. Avoid spicy food thing.
11, stomach pain, spit acid, ptosis of the stomach, gastric inflammation: the first time in a couple of garlic, charred skin, plus a bowl of water to a boil, add the amount of sugar fasting food, the second day for 7 days to cure . -

12, stomach ulcer twelve fat: 30 Chaojiao research egg shell powder, wheat flour, half a catty Chaojiao, even with the shake, morning and evening meals available. Boiled water, a 2 money (about half a spoon), the second day, usually a pair of cure serious illness to be the second payment.
13, hypertension, hyperlipidemia: * one or two of celery seed, wrapped with gauze and put 10 pounds of water decoction, early, middle and late drinking a cup. Not afraid of spicy, could, early in the evening eating raw garlic 2, a lower blood pressure, blood lipid effects.
14, heart disease, coronary heart disease: the first one or two of peanut shells, green beans 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup dose, the second day, take a half months.
15, gastroenteritis, diarrhea: two each half Chaojiao with wheat flour, add water and mix thoroughly with the amount of sugar, before meals, clothing, day, 2-3 days of secondary effects. Jichi persimmon, banana, greasy.
16, dyspepsia (indigestion with children): 4, two fried chicken skin nap research into yellow powder, sugar water before meals with a blunt, the second day, a 2 money (about half a spoon), children half a served to, Jichi snail.
17, chest tightness, flatulence: white radish seeds * 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup served three times a day, qd for 3 days the effect of negatively shun gas. -

18, neurological decline: 1 Porcine two, add a spoon of honey, steamed food, once daily, ate 5-10 days. -

19, anemia: chickens, ducks, will the blood flow in a clean white paper, dried bunched up into powder, with wine transfer service, a half-spoon flour, the second day, and even served a half months. Avoid kelp. -

20, heat dry mouth: reed rhizome *, mung beans all 5 money, plus a bowl of water to boil, add appropriate amount of crystal sugar, to eat bean soup reed rhizome, served on the second, even for 3 days. Fluid lungs, Reduce Pathogenic Fire antipyretic. -

21, chronic hepatitis: time with Rhizoma Imperatae * In two burning soup bowl of water services, three times a day, which normally takes a half months service, avoid spicy things. -

22, gallbladder, kidney, ** stone: The Gallus gallus domesticus, 50 grams of corn, fried a bowl of soup a dose, 2-3 times per day, and even served 10 days. Jichi liver, fat, egg yolk.
23, acute and chronic renal inflammation: 4 blackfish around a double, to scales, intestine, green tea 2 money, including the use of wire strapped into the belly, plus a bowl of Shuizhu Shu, fish soup, day one, ate 10-15 days. Ji Jiu, salt, bananas, and sexual intercourse.
24, cholecystitis: melon seeds, bean fried a bowl of soup of the 5 money, one dose. Three times a day, once every 10 days. -

25, Diabetes: a porcine pancreas, melon skin a couple of add Shuizhu Shu, less add some oil, salt and spices (Do not add wine, sugar) eat, one day, ate 20 days.
26, poor memory: a goose egg, stir into the bowl add the amount of sugar, steamed morning flight, ate 5 days, have a clear educational function of the brain, have effects on memory enhancement, Jichi kelp , pepper, animal blood, wine, green beans -

27, difficulty in urination: willow leaves a couple of fried a bowl of soup a dose, the second day ,2-3 days to pass the urine clear.
28, unable to control urination **(**,): Intestinal pair, washed and dried, fried yellow research into powder, rice wine delivery service, every time a money, three times a day, served Jiyu. Avoid ginger, spicy. -

29, urinary frequency (urinating more often): Health and leek seed * 3 two, and research into a powder, each 2 money with warm water, the second day, which normally takes 2-10 days service. Avoid tea, milk. -

30, constipation (dry stool guitar, bowel problems): a bowl with the cooked pumpkin, add lard 5, salt and eat the right amount of money and, once daily, once effective, 3 can be more. -

31, dysentery, diarrhea: two each with the garlic, set fire to the burned skin and cook soup bowl of water flight, the second day, once every 3 days to anti-inflammatory detoxification, treatment Jiuxie unhealed particularly effective. -

32, snore: pepper 5-10 tablets, a glass of water before going to bed with open blisters, cold water to be post-dose (pepper against the next), even for 5 days, will no snoring. -

33, hiccup: a small bar with a fingernail, light smelling, lasts. -

34, motion sickness: car cut a slice of ginger with the mouth when, or with a patch to the navel (this provision during pregnancy), education for severe motion sickness can be used with the two parties, there are special effects. -

35, stroke: a two-day drink only raw celery juice, mild disease who served a half months, who served from January can be more seriously ill, Jichi lamb, duck. -

water delivery service, the second day, 5 Tianyi treatment, once every 3 courses.
37, Hyperthyroidism: Dioscorea bulbifera * 9-12 grams, with three bowls into a bowl of water to cook once a day; another 50 grams of foam used 1 kg of liquor, served a two metabolic rate, 5-8 weeks significantly reduced. -

38, chronic enteritis: an egg, half of the two liquor, mix, every night before bedtime -

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Family coup, have to look oh

 The cooking, do not add cold water, cold water will harden vegetable growing old is not good, and add boiling water dish out fried crispy and soft.
2, fried lotus root filament, while adding some fried side of the water, to prevent the black lotus.
3, scrambled eggs, one egg plus one tablespoon of warm water, stir, not fried old, and Stir the egg volume, soft and delicious.
4, tofu pot before, can be placed in boiling water, dip a quarter of an hour, this would clear the swill taste.
5, with cold water  no flavor, and should be the first to add a little water, add water if the half-way, would dilute the juice flavor.
6, or steam meat steamed fish steamer when the water to be opened later on the tray, make the fish or meat, high-temperature steam and external to suffer immediate shrinkage, does not drain juice, cooked, delicious, there luster.
7, boiled bone soup, the way Qiemo Jia raw water, so as not to cause a sudden drop in temperature of the soup of protein and fat rapid solidification of flavor and nutrition.
8, fried egg, the yolk will congealing in, you can pour a tablespoon of cold water will make eggs, then cooked and tender yellow color, taste.
9, rendered lard, first put a small amount of water in the pot, then cut into lard, so that the oil boiled out, bright colors without impurities.
Using vinegar
1, go easy motion sickness, such as drinking water is not very sour vinegar, fresh spirit to reduce the symptoms of motion sickness.
2, insomnia, a tablespoon of vinegar can be poured into cold water, stir well to drink, you can quickly fall asleep. If you add the same amount of honey, the better.
3, one place to faint, a handkerchief soaked in vinegar can be put upon those who cover their nose in the unconscious, to stimulate patient awake.
4, a new share of porcelain tableware, tea, wine, vinegar and water into the 10% and cook for two or three hours after use, can remove trace aluminum contained in the new porcelain to avoid physical damage to aluminum toxicity.
5, crab cooking seafood is, jellyfish, first with 1% of the vinegar soak for one hour, to prevent food poisoning caused by halophilic bacteria.
6, Cuzhu peanuts or soybeans, is high blood cholesterol, obesity and hypertension, coronary heart disease in patients with food, with Long fat, lung pressure effect.
7, feast food, such as chest full of a sense of abdominal distension, 50 ml of vinegar available in 100 ml of water to dilute the dose, increased gastric acid and promote digestion.
8, excessive drinking has been drunk, could service 50% vinegar 100-200 ml, drug hangover, the raising of liver and kidney.
9, after eating utensils, if you use 1% solution sterilized by boiling vinegar to prevent viral hepatitis, dysentery and other infectious diseases.

1, vinegar is an essential condiment home cooking. Put a drop or two of white wine in the vinegar and a little salt, you can become vinegar. In the boiled pork or potatoes, add a small amount of vinegar is easy to Dunlan, taste is also good. When cooked add a little vinegar sweet porridge can make sweet porridge sweeter.
2, polish shoes when a drop of vinegar to make a lasting bright shoes: copper, aluminum device worn, rubbed with vinegar after cleaning, you can restore luster; slaughter a chicken or duck the first 20 minutes, to a tablespoon of vinegar on the poultry filling, set aside the hair becomes easy.
3, the paint on the glass, the latter with a soft brush in vinegar to fall; silk products to wash, put a small amount of vinegar 清水中浸泡 a few minutes, dry shiny as new: woolen clothes, polished place, with 50% concentration of vinegar and water wiping, and then iron with a damp bedding, bright spots can disappear.
4, vinegar as well disinfection sterilization. The dish with vinegar mixed with refreshing health; room fumigation with vinegar, can be bactericidal against influenza; day with 40% vinegar solution, heated shampoo can prevent hair loss, dandruff too; tune with vinegar lime powder, coating axillary under twice daily to treat body odor.
away the annoying scale

Cancha Magical
1, wet tea can take down the container of fish smell and taste of onions.
2, can be boiled tea eggs, the taste of fresh, very tasty.
3, with a greasy residue to scrub pots of tea, wood, bamboo tables and chairs, make the article more smooth.
4, the residue dried tea leaves, scattered in the wet at the shop, to go to tide.
5, tea, dried residue, can also act as a pillow into the pillowcase, pillow of very soft.
6, scatter the tea on the carpet or the way carpet and then brushed the broom, tea can take away all the dust.
7, the residue of tea a few days immersed in water, pouring in plant roots, can promote plant growth.
8, residues of tea can also be fed newly hatched little silkworm.
9, the residue dried tea, put the toilet or drain in the burning smoke, eliminate odor, get rid of mosquitoes with the function of justice.

watermelon rind of Magical
1, slashing the peel, cut into small square of its fast or filaments, with salt, soy sauce, sugar and other seasoning, and pepper fry, crisp, sweet, delicious.
2, will go to Peel and cut into small pieces or strips of Guatiao, into the water to boil, then lower into the tomatoes, eggs, some soup Weijia only colorful, but also to eliminate the Department of diuretic.
3, after the peeled rind cut into thin strips, marinate with salt 2 to 3 hours, the salt leaching, plus soy sauce, vinegar and sesame sauce, or stir and serve immediately.
4, the peeled rind, cut into thin slices, into the bowl, spread ham, plus spices, steamed on the pot, the taste delicious, fragrant.

Taomi Shui Magical
1, washed with light-colored clothes Taomi Shui easy decontamination, and the color is bright.
2, add hot water after precipitation Taomi Shui can be used to pulp clothes.
3, wash your hands with Taomi Shui, can hydrate the skin effect.
4, with Taomi Shui mouthwash, bad breath or oral ulcers can be treated.
5, with the smell of the dish will be placed in the Taomi Shui in the salt scrub, then rinse thoroughly with water, to go smell.
6, Taomi Shui soak the bacon on a half-day, to go more salty.
7, washed with bacon than Taomi Shui washed clean with water.
8, washed with Taomi Shui Pork bellies, or bone than the alum salt scrub Province Jin, save, and clean and savings.
9, used a kitchen knife Taomi Shui is not easy to wash bubble rust. Taomi Shui rusty kitchen knife in a few hours soak in, easy to wipe clean.
10, Taomi Shui watering flowers or vegetables, can make it look more robust.
11, after scrubbing the paint with Taomi Shui furniture, more bright.
12, wipe with a new lacquer Taomi Shui, 4 to 5 times, could get rid of the smell.

salt Magical
1, want more fresh flowers and color, in the pot a little bit of salt water can be poured.
2, frostbite can be washed with salt itching.
3, the morning cup of salt water, will help smooth stool.
4, will be opened in the salt water hot the paint on the skin, relieve pain.
5, salt can erase the black spots on bronzes.
6, the bath, put some salt water, can cure skin diseases.
7, with the fried food, it will be a little salt into the pan, the oil will not be splashed out.
8, boiled eggs, breaking the shell, the water put some salt, proteins will not flow out.
9, mashed carrots mixed with salt, you can wipe the blood on the clothes.
10, when washing clothes to prevent fading, you can put some salt in the water.
11, every morning with a mouth with salt water, can clean the mouth, eliminate bad breath, reduce swelling and bleeding gums, to help treat periodontitis.
12, wash the fruit first rub the stains off the surface of fruits, and then put the fruit soaked in salt water, rinse after half an hour, you can rest assured to eat.
13, when the voice within the uvula swelling sagging, the salt at the end point of treatment, reduce the throat discomfort.
14, with a light wash salt water and green tea or chrysanthemum, you can make painful swelling of acute conjunctivitis better soon.
15, with salt and pepper or eggplant roots with boils water, dip your feet, you can treat beriberi, opponents, foot frostbite has some swelling, itching effect. 16, soak feet in hot salt soup, or fried salt ironing back, muscles of rheumatoid disease, a certain analgesic effect.
17, although no pesticide-contaminated vegetables, the worm, but the leaves, insects are very hard to wash, as long as the split leaf vegetables soaked in salt water in 3-5 minutes, the worm will automatically fall into the water.
18, cleaning the surface of the viscous material mushroom, can be soaked in salt water on the mushroom about 5 minutes, and then along with the valuables mushroom pattern of net cloth to scrub gently.
19, summer tofu is difficult to save, but after the salt dissolved in boiling water, cool dip the tofu can put tofu in salt water is stored for a long time.
20, fried fish before the fish on the salt water wash, the fish did not taste and smell of the soil.
21, bought a new glass dishes or cooked in salt water first on the future is not easy to break.
22, with a blunt knife, the knife on the salt water soak for half an hour, and then pouring salt in the grindstone top edging can make the blade sharp, and durable.

salt Beauty France
1, Xue Fu bath, with a clean gauze into the appropriate amount of fine salt, in the face, neck and beat the friction upper and lower body, about five or six minutes to be removed has been Almost a horny skin, helps blood circulation, delicate white skin.
2, freckle salt 1, white, blue and pink 6 copies, 3 copies of blue pollen, sugar half serving, add little water into a paste, then wrap it dipped at the spot, every other day, can spot color lighter to none.
3, Chudou a spoonful of salt, white vinegar Banchi, boiling water half an hour mark, dissolving cotton dipped after the wash the affected area, once a day for several days can be effective. Often used to go without a trace of acne.
4, rejuvenation salt 15 grams, 100 grams of almond powder, add cold water into a paste spreads in the face 2-3 times per week, can make the skin smooth and shiny Xirun.
5, United teeth twice a day with light salt water gargle, or sprinkle a little salt on the toothpaste, which can effectively eliminate the smoke tea scale, to prevent dental caries, the teeth white and shiny.

milk magical
1, except fish smell - fish and fish dipped in milk before the first moment, both deodorization, can enhance the good taste.
2, do frozen fish - the fish are doing too cold, the soup, add some milk, make the fish taste more fresh.
3, except garlic - a cup of milk, remove the garlic left in the mouth.
4, to the wine track - white shirt on the left if the wine track, can be used to boil the milk clean, you can go from stains.
5, to trace fruit - sour milk to remove the traces of fruit on bright-colored clothes, painted in the traces at the milk, then wash with water a few hours, you can wash clean. 6, to the ink trace - trace of clothing stained with ink, first wash with water, then milk wash, then wash with detergent, that is, except.
7, to rust - clothes hanging on a nail, or stained with the rust, it is difficult to wash out, and if there is rust in the first place, soaked in boiling water, coated with sour milk, soap in cast , can be washed clean.
8, to eliminate faces badly bruised - swollen eyelids morning, with milk, add a little vinegar and water mixture, and then use cotton balls dipped in rubbing repeatedly on the eyelids for 5 minutes, then hot towels cover what will soon eliminate swollen.
9, so soften the hard shoe polish - put a long time to open shoe polish, will become stiff and not re-use, such as adding a few drops of fresh milk to the inside, it will become soft shoe polish, shoe polish with them is still with the new the same.
10, treating minor burns - in the affected area before putting the point of boiling milk, can quickly eliminate burn, burn burning.
11, label - make the labels on the glass is solid, you can simply soak in milk on the label.

not know that toothpaste Ten Magical
1. Wipe with a cloth dipped in toothpaste, tap, tap can look like new.

2. Scrub with a sponge dipped in toothpaste basin and bath, very good.
3. With a cotton cloth dipped in toothpaste, gently wipe the yellow, white furniture, furniture, colors can restore as new.
4. With a warm wet rag on the stove run the soft focus of scale, and then use nylon scrub sponge dipped in toothpaste, hard dirt, clean cloth and then wipe clean.
5. After cooking the fish, the fish smell still remained on hand, may wish to rub toothpaste in your hand squeeze points, will be able to immediately eliminate the fishy smell.
6. Hands soiled with oil, pen oil, car wax or oil and other hard to wash the oil, rub with toothpaste can be cleared.
7. Cuffs and collars of clothes washing is more difficult, dirty with toothpaste applied to the Department, repeatedly scrub, the effect is extraordinary.
8. After a long time to wear white shoes often yellow, the first dealing with the special cleaning agent, and then brush a brush, rinse with water, shoes can be as white as new.
9. Reflective screen with a flashlight too long will turn yellow, will toothpaste applied to the above, 3 to 5 minutes, gently wipe with a silk can make it look like new.
10. If you inadvertently burns body parts, you can apply some toothpaste to reduce the pain.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

To Be Loved

 Listen up
Turn it up and
Rock it out
Party on
I wanna hear you scream and shout
This is real
As real as it gets
I came to your town to get some fucking respect
Taken it back to a hard core level
You better be ready put your pedal to the metal
Taken it back to a hard core level
better be ready put your pedal to the metal
Album: The Paramour Sessions
I never give in
I never give up
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved
I never give in
I never give up
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved
I want domination
I want your submission
I see your not resisting '
To this temptation
I've got one confession
I love deprivation
I've got a jet black heart
It's all fucked up and it's falling apart
I never give in
I never give up
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved
I never give in
I never give up
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved
I've got another confession
I fell to temptation
And there is no question
There was some connection < br> I've gotta follow my heart
No matter how far
I gotta roll the dice
Never look back
And never think twice
I never give in
I never give up
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved
I never give in
I never give up
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved
Take your past
Burn it up and let it go
Carry on
I'm stronger than you'll ever know
That's the deal
You get no respect
You're gonna get yours
You better watch your fuckin 'neck
Take your past
Burn it up and let it go
Carry on
I'm stronger than you'll ever know
That's the deal
You get no respect
You're gonna get yours
You better watch your fuckin 'neck
I never give in
I never give up
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved
I never give in
I never give up
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved
(take your past burn it up
and let it go
I never give in
I just wanna be
Wanna be loved .

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Classic dialogue of fish and water

 Fish said:
you can not see my tears, because I am in the water.
Water says:
I can feel your tears because you are in my heart.
I am not a fish, you do not water. Can you see my lonely tears?

Fish said:
I will never leave you, because without you, I can not survive.
Water says:
I know, but if your heart is not it?
I am not a fish, you do not water. I do not leave you because I love you.
However, in your heart for me?

Fish said:
I am very lonely, because I can only stay in the water.
Water says:
I know, because my mind, your loneliness.
I am not a fish, you do not water. I'm lonely because I miss you.
However, the distance you feel it?

Fish said:
If you do not fish, then the water will be left with?
Water says:
If not you, then how would I?
I am not a fish, you do not water. Without your love, I still will take a good living.
However, the good life does not mean I can forget you.

Fish said:
life can not go see the outside world, is my greatest regret.
Water says:
life can not rob you of this idea is my biggest failure.
I am not a fish, you do not water. Now I just want a lifetime commitment.
But you afford it?

Fish said:
in your life, I was a fish?
Water says:
you are not the first fish in the water, but it is the first in my heart.
I am not a fish, you do not water. We are not each other the first.
But, you know? But you first want to marry my man.

Fish said:
you believe in love at first sight it?
Water says:
when I realized that the moment you are a fish, you know you can swim to my heart.
I am not a fish, you do not water. I think I would love for you will not last long, because it was love at first sight.
However, I was wrong, feelings such as wine, the more letters the more concentrated the more long-term.

Fish said:
Why every time I'm asking you?
Water says:
because I like being in my heart you know.
I am not a fish, you do not water. Why do you always make me wait?
Do not you know, wait = loss of confidence = up.

If I were a fish, and you are the water, nice!
water always know the idea of ​​the fish, because fish in the water heart.
but I am not a fish, you do not water. You never know what I love,
because I might not even be in your heart.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

His mother have to look at ( their children to learn good web site Daquan )

 See later, could not help but to have it ~!
Professional Education:
1, China's Early Childhood Education Network
2, China's pre-professional resource library
3, Tsinghua University, China Jie Kindergarten
4, Chengdu preschool
5, Jin Miao network
6, the Chinese preschool nursery network
7, kindergartens
Huijia Music:
6, starry night pianist
7, Classical Music
8, children's songs
9, classical music download
1, fun math home
2, School Mathematics Network
1, English-time
2, stories
3, Welcome to the wonderful world
4, the new Tony Young Learners English
5, the Disney English songs
6, of New Hall of Cambridge Young Learners English
8, children English Star
9, Do2learn
10, BBC-Cbeebies
11, KSconnection
12, new knowledge Church Children English
13, Happy English
14, English train
15, the other Teletubbies
16, Teletubbies
18, outside the research community children's English
19, Disneyonline
20, Disneychina

1, Shanghai Chess
2, grandmaster Dao-TOM Go
3, Ssangyong chess wins
4, Yi-city network
Go Read:
1, children's stories
2, classic English-Chinese
3, kiss children stories
4, Harry Potter
5, the spiritual world - children's literature
6, Zheng Yuanjie
7, fairy net
8, Yi Yang Child Education Network
9, free book city
10, down five thousand years
11, Red
12, An Hans Andersen fairy tale
13, Times Bookstore --- fairy
14, Bookstore --- children's fiction, literary
1, Bio Valley
2, wild animals, net
3, China's popular science Expo
4, puzzle game

1, the Chinese preschool
2, children's songs
3, audiobooks
4, Kaka park
5, thousands of source network
6, children soft world
7 En-line
9, Parenting Forum
10, children
11, children and health
12, Parent Center
13, baby commune
14, the New Oriental School Forum
15, pre-school network
16, the video quality education Learning Network
17 , Want Want net Parenting Forum
18, the spring grass of Health Net
19, New Oriental Education
20, Ya-Ya Family Community
21, caused by school children Education Network
26, small shell quality children's books net
27, Ziyang Mom book club
28, Little Yam search engine
29, online schools
30, childlike network
31, Education Centre Park - Children's Reading site
32, parent-child activities, net
33, Qilu Petrochemical information Qinzaileyuan
34, children Rus
35, small Luohao cartoon village
36, Flying Interactive Academy
37, Cube Building
39, odd-odd children playing software
40, Friends of Music website --- Children Center
41, the National Museum of Marine Biology
42, mental models guide
43, the network schools
44, sound
45, CDC children's growth cards
46, the Chinese tiger baby network
47, Century Early Learning Forum
49, Qbaobao Qinzileyuan
50, smart baby
51, Kid Castle

Primary School :
1, Primary Resources Network Forum
2, primary school science curriculum network
3, language teaching resource network
10, idioms query
11, primary and secondary schools essay election
12, the people University Press

0-3 years old:
1, children's blog network
2, prenatal science network

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Office of the unspoken rules - remember, can be planted much less fallen

 SwitchOffice of the unspoken rules - remember, can be planted much less fallen?  Office of the unspoken rules switch (regardless of whether you have student or work, you need to know)
do not discuss in front of one person to another person how to
low-key, not discussion were random, not too conspicuous
not related to what people say .......< br> fewer points on net, at least when the boss to minimize the page, switch to the outlook, low-key points to make
low-key serious look busy but it should also be easily bullied
reasonable manner or to do their fair share should not want to ask their management do not know what the sky would fall even if all do not control
reasonable manner, the necessary time to learn to play the fool, thick skin, do not let other people feel you are very capable, very powerful, because then you give them pressure, heart, will conflict with your ~~~~~~~~~ br>
less talk more work to do but do not take the initiative to help my colleagues to do her fair share of the less
fewer mistakes
do less wrong less
As for the degree have their own enlightened
to static
listen more talk less
brake slowly mastered the state office colleagues
1, do not talk behind others
2, did not participate in any small groups
3, would prefer to admit mistakes, and do not lie (working for many years people are fine people, do you think the perfect lie, others will be able to see through one)
4, would prefer to admit mistakes, do not pass the buck, especially not to push to a colleague
5, have concept of time
6, work colleagues would like to say hello after the door, Bi Momo sat silent desk better
7, do not blame the leadership in front of colleagues, many blame on hand live (just arrived in the new, more points are normal)
8, more learning and less interaction between the Internet
not too close, the office is not a friend, remember. Otherwise they will suffer.
First, the low profile and possession of convergence edge. Especially not to offend your immediate supervisor. (After all, is the biggest competition of your enemy)
Second, can dull performance as much as possible so candid. (And the first almost)
third. Do not be too close to your boss (easy access to the factional struggle... To the poor, oh when)
fourth. More experience, then the next boss. . .
Fifth, it is best not by those who sing every day If your company has squeezed other groups and anti-marginalization group. . So, as a small staff you want to be anti-exclusion group (this yourself to understand)
seventh uniformed strongman is the best means the best control over their weaknesses. . (Not call you bad, just need a little bad not bad bullying)
eighth. Company which has no real friends (remember remember !!!)< br> ninth, eleventh
do not speak their minds, to understand the boss and who is not a level, at all times to express their respect.
XI, do not personalize too. . . .
XII, the reaction to be fast. .
XIII, things do not look good indecisive
If long, you wear clean, decent, otherwise it will be stricken for a long time if looked pretty
despise, you low-key, and let people see your humble side
office politics are complex, the woman next fight, men infighting, so if you are a woman, mind your mouth, not too close to the opposite sex
if it is male, even manage your mouth, honest look practical disadvantage
there will never be the boss should not be too close, not too distant
as a low-key as the most important of all new
Finally, as a newcomer, go for some time to find a suitable the opportunity to buy meals or snacks
do more wrong and less to do little wrong.
should not you tube thing, and do not put rotten pipe.
just go in the new colleagues at the same level, especially in front of the elders at the same level a little stupid sometimes, if the wrong they do have to play the fool, do not let people think you are a threat.
If there is a new and you go, be careful, and he walked past the people, do not let that person's bias is too obvious a lie into the truth to a hundred times, that will affect everyone on your side perception.
did not take long to work, but still have a little experience, we share their experience:
1, silly thing, and then a little silly, do not feel smarter than their predecessors, to know you think the wise, in the eyes of others is self-defeating. The more intelligent you are, the more afraid of you people see their weaknesses, they will keep you away, or even abuse you.
2, towards the higher level, always listen to do, do not ask, not for the leadership to make decisions, your task is to completely superior ideas into reality, rather than for the parent to consider this matter how to do it.
3, as the new performance is necessary, but remember too, wait for them to sweep of all things, this will only make you after the bruised and battered. Figure out their duties, only their share of things, others do not ask, you do not take the initiative to participate in their work. Remember that work is like running a marathon, to be even harder, there are emboldened sprint left, must not blind hard, did not run far to have been exhausted.
4, note the work to develop the habit of mind, every day tasks will be recorded to facilitate future summary report.
respect your boss, the older generation. Perhaps they seem to have many deficiencies, its ability to be feeling better myself. but do not underestimate them. and then there are many poor seniors do not understand your industry experience. be worse His boss there is always less than that excels or sitting position. (nepotism is not)
less talk and more work, diligence and greeting smile more. carefully the interests of small groups, the better the more people you have to Be careful.
to do their share of things, not their share of things do not easily intervene gallant, but give yourself time to get into unnecessary trouble.

reasonable manner, not proud and do not feel inferior.

Do not gossip, do not speak out of turn, Another View of right and wrong, do not Taoxintaofei, office no real friends.

boss or the boss is too hateful, then came home swearing fiercely private meal in the home (private thought those unscrupulous bosses scolded by many people after the loss of a hidden virtue will sooner or later), still have to face if nothing had happened, to maintain a minimum of courtesy and respect.
1. Leadership must be right.
2. If the leadership was wrong to put forward a very tactful, but can not argue, unless it is a matter of principle, but it is very blurred the boundaries of the first principles of the birds.
3. If you've been led to ignore or not recognize, however, then the first reference.
4. must be low-key, but it was neither overbearing nor servile.
personal experience: Do not work with my colleagues to dress up than dressed, even if you wear fitted
you are working a few days after the GIN will feel like everyone is doing their own thing no one concerned about you, this time Do not school seniors Oil Stick, actually we silently watching your every move are
1. never say deny himself, and quietly work on it, otherwise sooner or later become someone else's handle.
2. Do not gossip and colleagues in the toilet and reviews the company's personnel, child care led out of the door.
3. to learn to protect themselves. Feces pots several times to let other people know how to buckle hide.
4. female colleagues, new clothes make you guess how much money, that is 70, they have to say 400, because there are 600 to buy. Do not provoke feelings of animals.
5. more harm no charge ever. Opportunity to really give people who are prepared.
If you have someone for you, and you do not fight to solve the case, in fact, the easiest way is to eat dirt, still showing the attitude of hard work would be better for you (especially when the boss for you)
If they have been dismissed or demoted, remember do not ask why, think more of themselves, that time you better performance but a dull start with a lot of things are in fact
simple, but when the circumstances do a lot more experience in life you're still right. . . Survival of the fittest
1. Work out loud after going to ask my colleagues good morning
2. Less access to do more
3. A pro-active attitude, to do the most important, good or bad is another matter to do
4. must not talk in front of other colleagues and staff, unless you are saying nice things to others
5. many colleagues and leaders from around found some advantages of it, do not use someone else to cover up the shortcomings of your own mistakes < br> 6. to be diligent, to tell you a few small low-key
1, if you are a woman, gorgeously dressed the first day of work do not be too easy to recruit other girls jealous, but not too earth Otherwise, they look down on you.
2, to observe with your eyes, in the office with a show off girls and belly black girls, reasonable manner, sometimes taking a small loss nothing. Smooth as possible, rather than doing.
3, do not put one up for your computer desktop, with a lovely point of the glass, can increase the chances of someone to talk to you.
4, discerning see, the most important. But not too attentive, sometimes not a good thing multiple, they will feel that you have done what they do ah!
5, after work, try to ask if there are Shun, and come along, you can hear the point you want know.
there is the older female employees for the company. . Must maintain a good relationship (not too close to the line... In general, in the company's female employees to work long hours older point point, there are the right words.... Cause themselves to experience... .)
you RP well, does not mean it will really be your colleagues, the same kind of people raise a hundred meters.
deed goes unpunished. Tree attracts the wind. Remember these two.
you to remember this: you come to the office to make money, not to make friends
you have to do is to get his work and leadership that you do so well, what are the clouds of interpersonal, strong fear of a P
hold top-level officials of the thighs, hold firmly, but do not let other people see it. Did not use all the duties of vice, because they do not decide.
If you do not want a long dry, just want to experience, then fine to play sharp and let others envy, with the leadership he can not fire you fight. Leave immediately feel tired, do not yearn
heart, eyes, live, look for a job himself dry.
Do not brag about the achievements in school, scores, will laugh to.
honest man in front of colleagues, lay low before the spirit of Li
active in the leadership, initiative and
office to make friends real friends to know most of the scale, or from a student, no matter what position
, we must carefully and deliberately, slowly and smiled hello to
met anyone who did not want to see each other even if only a foul face
Do not pass their own private affairs to the office and his other married
All colleagues, careful look in the eyes of the boss at least we hate this kind of thing the boss is a good memory as bad
small things written if an article is written more or pen to draw a bar I do a bad memory got to remember to read up and also easy to look after themselves every day to do what
entering the workplace who do not Do what the boss to the task, apart from anything else on the clocked. Finally, it would be more trouble if not finish.
is best to seek truth from facts, if they feel there is a problem to communicate about the boss, or asked for support, or request delay. Do not hat and no cattle
my experience is just put your heart, do not speak out for others, he is not wrong only you can see. Once early on do not do the preparation, and can not easily intimidated, or everyone would have to find out your base, and later as soon thereafter. Without a la carte dinner, do not speak unpalatable meals at home, discuss good practice how to toast the boss to please, and let colleagues offensive, do not practice when you feel yourself to leave, not to mention those who refined the
unless absolutely necessary Do not comment on the back of others - the so-called absolute necessity is a good word to your colleagues said.
morning to see everyone to say hello, even if only security.
positive, do not transfer negative emotions to the outside world, do not complain.
things screw up, who's responsible? My responsibility. Supervisor criticize you, do not explain the no excuses, admitted it was He wants a good result.
boss is human, to give them room to grow.
you're doing a temporary loss. Of course, if the encounter sinister capitalists, they can fire him, provided that in here all the things worth learning study finished. Unreasonable treatment is a temper, conscious no more bear some harm.
Finally, the office, things do not take home. It's just part of your life. If you start to become whole, shows that the adjustment.
a particularly good when someone on your time, do not be confused, since she is more than your mother, you are not tempted by her right and tell the truth, and all your private affairs to remember do not talk .. personal. .
Do not join a small group, do not form a small group, remember do not cut live with the Office of the Special exceptionally better than a colleague, especially someone very deliberately and very soon you better (for both men and women), to the office He is far away from her, and it might be your first somersault planted in this people.
to listen more to ask, ask anything, modest no harm.
soft spot soft words, we were the little guy and sometimes new graduates like to speak with the shooting, people joke.
fine points often to the people around them outside of work offer little attentions, such as running a leg ah, ah with a thing, when the drink or not to ask others, and the like. Remember! Is outside of work, work must not intervene in matters within the carefully planted in you made a mistake.
not sow discord. Working sense. More extravagant claims of others who, after their predecessors (Institute of sincere praise to others.) Work with a smile. Optimistic and positive and energetic. Agile little things, do not delay. Things stay in mind. Achievements (including the leadership of verbal praise) not too much to share, so that provoke envy, a high-profile work, low-key life. Care colleagues. Often tell us something about a joke, some interesting e-mail forwarding so that they are welcome in the group. Even if the work, and do not forget to learn, more to the business of technology and strong colleagues humble advice.
colleagues, especially not to the truth, do not discuss the others, will have to remember, touch is not fair, I feel for your business, not noisy, noisy on the account, and to keep silent to make their own others choose not to do something wrong
this year, better learn to say No. . Sometimes you help ten times refused the first, the other will be unhappy. As one does not help, but better. This is said to work on the copies. If you are handy little things of workers, such as the passing of what take a thing ah, that can enhance feelings of thing.
do not want to be in possession of the future, to seek opportunities in other people first.
a network of Chinese society is always the most important organs and institutions if it is good to try is to get the benefits of dealing with interpersonal relationships or to do much more than the benefits too much, are not as good as dead to do a leg to hold the important.
new course is also important to perform well, at least on the surface but also people can not be said.
add a bar: seize the time by charging more than the young, improve their gold!
actually very simple, better relations with the above, head to live, you have to seriously, many people say leave your last. That's not all, depending on method, do not let people set you, to learn how the wind blows, match up. Language to be vague, keep smiling. Let others could not guess what you think.