Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Written in the time of birth

 Long time not to write anything, so sit quietly, no one to disturb. Listening to soft music, tapping their own text.

non-saints, non-Wei only, way to mediocrity, that the mundane world.

long journey of life, once I can interpret the life of a lonely street, the main road leading to the dream continued Inn, but I do not want to stop, look forward to a dynamic, unique in the world, until exhaustion. Looking back, shocked to find not just some street fragrance ... ...

life's long road we are not just alone, with parents concerned about, lover long for, friends, best wishes. The stream of life we are not weak boat Yifan, accompanied by emotions have their way.

mountains, in silence to tell Wei Jun; blue sky, bare in silence Kuang Yuan; rivers, grand writing in silence; people, also in the silent world of the full moon in the flower Xiaokan thin, non-mind control merits, weigh the severity of ups and downs of life, and drive away time of the passage of time. Meanwhile, the precipitated silent life of the original truth ......

is a fate, when we met in the life of the road affinity or inn, and that the process met perhaps a kind of perpetual chatter, to the true beauty of a pure.

fickle river of life, when we draw a leaf boat floating in the river of time, it not only calm, elegant, frustrations and setbacks. If we pay attention to it quietly passing scenery, the original is difficult to give up many feelings and endless beauty.

initial innate yearning moved pull the heartstrings, shocking the heart, bit by bit. Religiously waiting for the raw emotion, the poetry of any misty rain splashes, he was deeply moved by the tide of passion breeze.

to twenty-contained world, there are gains and losses, growth and decline are, there is joy, and, bit by bit like old days, such as water, such as the Heron line.

time has never been free from human control, it is a god, and it dominates everything, it will give you all will kill you all, this is the law. Time did not name, but I've seen its shadow, the silent leaves falling around us, silent except we have a chair, hesitantly ... ...

time I do not like to miss a person, because I know the last page, can not turn, do not turn, turn over the dust lost eyes. At this point suddenly thought of a child, carefree, anything not want to, live to play.

child like climbing trees, like to go fishing to catch shrimp, like to go to Hawthorn in the mining Lianpeng, like the mountains and plains to run ... ... like a child lying in their own big bed, happily watching the seemingly only their own Pikachu, Charizard. It was only a child ... a child of their own ... ...

child is so hurried past, once a simple, curious,UGG bailey button, ignorant, and ultimately will stay in the memory of distractions in and accompany me through life. Memories of the river, will never Kuhe, always filling in the new spring and fed.

When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, no more important in memory, one day, we suddenly realize that time has been pushed forward, this is not a stationary train , when another train goes by, you may feel the illusion of progress, but we for real growth, in this case become different.

gradually grow up, what to know, gradually, to understand the cruelty of this society, learn independence and learn to cope with something. Calm calm face and relieved, to straighten that weak shoulders, take up the responsibility of never giving up, do a no regrets in this world of mortals.

from the original tender, to reach more things, reach more people. Time for me to understand that not everyone around us like his own father and mother, as to love yourself, to care about yourself, to indulge themselves.

this society is like a cruel Colosseum, in order to comfortably live comfortably, and only with great strength like a lion, fox-like cunning wisdom and insidious snake-like cold, it all just to live, In order to protect their own people.

not melancholy, but not with the dark eyes looked at the complexity of the world, wherever and whenever, I love the pure and pious heart always point to the holy field, until eternity ......

world, not far from us. Our age, far away into the community, so often argumentative society. In our eyes, the community seems pretty nice. We are all looking forward to a love, are eager to enter society, as if into the community, they have everything, status, happiness, assets, but, unfortunately, I have a few carefully thought about this society. So often the idea is different from ordinary people.

simple life, portrays life in a few pen lines, Lang Lang has a sparsely indifferent; conception of life in a thin month, with the clear cool quiet. The complexity of life is splashed ink on rice paper in life, rendering the subtlety and sophistication; is sounding the depths of babbling in the life of the erhu, get rid of the noise and confusion.

people can live happily, but we choose the complex, selected sigh!

sun and moon change, we do not have to worry about, the past will come.

life is a dream, full of fantasy and desire, life is a river, faith-fan, life is like a ship, riding on the golden dreams of the ideal to reach the other side, life is like a play, the same interpretation in a world stage, staged different colors, different beauty, both Joy and sorrow, that is they should own colorful memories.

two decades of life, The Sound of burning, shooting pictures. ** Looking back today, Zhaobi left language. No increase in worry, do not add injury to do so two years if the bubbling streams, swing, clean up.

snow fall, feeling up. Winter winds, hard think about. Snowy night drink until dawn, sigh a little drunk who knows? Junior mad, since the unforgettable. Reviewing the past, the situation Hekan. Thing of the past such as, passing again rare. Rin Samuume flowering Yingxue, sharpen Hong Guan Jian outlet. When you stay next year,UGG boots cheap, Piao, still wine to the dawn.

interesting life, too, troubles with bitterness, as I and King, from the music from the Yi, without blaming Heaven, no particular person, be sufficient.

impoverished, such as tea, the bitter with the strands of a delicate fragrance; arrogant like blue, proud in the order of howling autumn frost; emptiness such as bamboo, in the now empty clank phalanx; scattered like water, light in the Yun-jis life.

the beauty of life, was the most memorable. No emotion into, even though some scenic spots, is still only in the mind flashed it.

hometown of Yangzhou, mental maturity of the land. Now only the old frustrated grinned Life is unpredictable, blessing in disguise. Now look at things, seemingly random, actually understood, and keep honest heart, Who knows the wind scattered blossom after the leaves are gone with Ji Yun, who knows whether the scene will dream dreams weight was.

think I am twenty-contained enough perseverance, did not give up its own personality, there is no delay in their thinking, not to give up their interest. I know my goal is distant, but also very close. Life is good, but most of the ideal has become a dream. This is not because of their condition is not enough,cheap UGG boots, simply because the courage to be realized. I have a dream, ideals, and I will be very clear distinction between the two, so I will not be discouraged and will not fall will not be confused.

youth without any regrets, but also to life without regret. Looking at the stars each, small parties feel their Ruo, is ah, I can count on a big crowd what. Wings in the twilight struggle of the tired birds known only cloud point system.

and I in pursuit of what fame and fortune? Clouds block our sight not only have contempt for spewing billowing inside. Many good times and bad times in the cross arm, is so willing to have the courage and persistence, even if the grass is also doing a road with that first emerged in the beautiful! ......< Br>
we walk in this life locked away the fog of dust, who can guarantee that tomorrow, to ensure that fate? I do not believe the failure of eyes, pain, depression, and the coaching,UGGs, I believe is a strong determination and courage to face difficulties.

trend line in our life, this age-old journey, the ups and downs in the run, in reverse Nirvana, sad strapped to the body, the pain drift in one place. We are tired, but no break from only; we suffer, but can not be avoided.

pedestrian in the road, a total that does not live up to their every step forward, whether it is with human counterparts, or the only solution ...... even though the circumstances around the bleak future and not make my heart Grey Italian cold, I want to be strong to fight, stand still. I only ask to do on their own worthy day to the next worthy, and worthy of its own that a persistent heart!

prefer Taoism, natural inaction in Heaven, humanity comes naturally. The deep subtle language, dance Recluse high concern for the worldly mentality. Of social observation and realize a more calm, more alert, and more profound. With the sole Qing Xu, super step beyond, must go to Jen Li, the pursuit of a return to basics such a unique spiritual temperament.

Chahe three, first, hard if life; second, sweet like love; the third, and light if the breeze.

in an indifferent mood to face, Xu is: : but life-long dependency. br> in an indifferent mood to face, and I is: I'm real now!

not what I am not going to pursue, on the contrary, I was very clear to know what they want to cast away all the unnecessary impetuous, really learn to devote themselves to everything, understood everything, at the exact moment of objective and decisive to seize what you want.

I do not think people grow more tolerant cover, anything can be accepted. On the contrary, I think it should be a selecting process, knowing what is most important to know what important things. Then be a simple man.

the true nature of the heart is so. Into, such as Brightness according flowers, pools Ripples, whether good times or bad, regardless of success or failure of the transcendent, the troops on the horse and take a temporary far Inn; defeat, still in the stone, sinks into the sea, there are strong benefits the poor and do not fall Albatron The haughty, the Rong, country remains the same, style still ran, just sea Wushan, cooked, as the years such as streams, thousands of vanity, disdain solo; shame, crotch Han, snow pine trees at the end, just like emergence of the fairy, known step back, opened up, would not unworthy .

What is the true loneliness? When a person is not lonely alone, but stands in all, and is aloof from the world! ... I truly feel the loneliness, the loneliness that do not resonate.

is a lot of time to enjoy the solitude and loneliness can always hang with the free edge. The foot of the city can be a false picture, which can be colorful, buzzing, noisy with quiet was, silent. Whisper quiet, murmured softly, a group of people shouting, a man alone.

has been the most like a poem: a long absence, the snow / stretch the face / one piece / one after another / Durian / silently down / red mud hut / strands of tea / someone sitting in a availability / wine still / tea is cold / the enemy away foreign land / long fence to / received a crystal melancholy / how long / what person / night long talk with my / Bing a / gradual return indifferent / lotus-like serenity.

tired stop and just enjoy your time, listen to your true inner voice, then let the certainty of the target facing the real life dull and bitter with a trace of rain ahead. People's minds should be the mood of some romantic pleasure, as they are not living alone due to become unruly find any.

like I have a deep feeling like leaves to the root, to run to the desired goal in mind. Burnout, let the mind in this romantic feelings in the pleasure of to recuperate. Atsushi firm is a forward uninhibited free and easy, and the former line to know how to make yourself happy is another fearless style. Free and easy to romantic and elegant, ideal target to bring certainty to the belief in the grace Windrider dandelion and dance, let's step Dusing best interpretation of the process of life!

walk in the lonely journey of life, the years of wind and snow wash to wash the mind, but also evoke a fresh desire. With the leisurely pace of movement, blurred vision, a clarity Wang. Mouth micro Yang, tomorrow still.

eye to dim when I look back on those past, some of the off set is the natural state of mind, such as that like to listen to the Buddha's words: a heaven in a wild flower, a grass one of the world, one of a Bodhi tree, a As soil to one side of a Pure Land, a carnal smile, a thought of a pure heart like lotus flower! So quiet silent, so aloof!

Since students to Shengruxiahua flowers; indifferent death, but death if the autumn leaves!

Since the distance, leaving only the back of the world. No matter how far the spring, and I frankly ......


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