Monday, October 25, 2010

Collectively repent, Nirvana, right, right rehabilitation

 Who we are? We are in the end come from? We ultimately want to go?

Do not ask me came from my hometown in the distance.

countries who do not ask me, this issue is too simple.

Do not ask me what community name, they do not require discussion, but no need to debate.

our outlet, these are live without it?

we pull a cart, walk step by step, why should we question go?


in the vast heavens cry,

heavy earth is crying,

Four Seas are rising, clouds and water raging,

Continental shock wind and thunder shock.

known descendants of the Chinese people, ah, five thousand years of human civilization with the Chinese people, ah, there will be a 841 BC, the exact history of the Chinese people, ah, experienced the largest number of ups and downs, tasted all the Chinese sweet and sour Kula, ah, you wake up yet? You enlightened yet? You figure it? Anyhow, you know it? You understand the beauty and ugliness of it? You discern it? Do you have basic goodness it? Do you have a minimum of conscience?


Yes, really is.

we have already thoroughly confused, we had stupid state.

We are not people, we are ghosts, we demon, we have been utterly devoid of conscience, we are the most stupid of the executioner, we partner with one of the greatest harm to the wizard, we exploited a partner of the life of the greatest We cruel gobble everything he has been good.

one pair of our people the best people, a fully and completely for the sake of our people who has not been the least of our understanding, at least return, but by our collective libel, was our Qunqiergong until the betrayal of our collective being.

When he was alive, we are friends silly Baji, he was dead, and our numbness continues.

we do not have to reflect on their shallow, but his start nit-picking wild.

We have never repented of their base, but always took his old vent endless grievances, unreasonable get a flat.


to deny him, we first discuss the truth. We do all know

immediate, but what is the eternal truth know it?

practice is the sole criterion for testing truth it?

wrong practice, to test the truth is the truth?

things are all levels, stressing the corresponding, logical, and let sparrows test how high the sky, right? Test days by the frog in the extent of work?

However, we according to our human, subjective, selfish, ridiculous rules tested.

So, we finally found the

Thus, we concluded that day, it is nothing remarkable.

So, we started to have nothing to fear,UGG boots cheap, we began to run wild.

dare slander, who is the most liberating; who attack, who has the truth.

some radical, or even attempt to be treated as Stalin did, smashing the phase, destroying the corpse, dug the grave.

see, the trauma literature has come to reflect on literature came to the Reform Literature.

come, come, come, all aimed at the Qingming Mao Zedong era.

from Liu Xinwu

secular retaliation air knife, all Kanxiang Mao Zedong;

settle scores of the sword, all stabbing Mao Zedong.

ineffective during the Cultural Revolution, which was all the common responsibility of all Chinese people, but we are ignoring the leaders lofty intentions, the great state they simply put dirty water, will fall to our children's throwing the biggest benefactor.

However, our quick success with this shallow and shameless not stop, we have not Jiehen, must be condemned by Mao Zedong and recovers the youth to the people, recovers the blood, thoroughly Bianshi, to relieve my heart of hate, because all of the Cultural Revolution sin, one hundred percent is his responsibility, as if no ill-wishers as he began, just as the persecution of our people to want to get the economy In short, words and short, all his fault, he did not hint of a good place.

Thus, we again lost his casual note of the board, covered with grease and dirty waving the sword of the mood, ready to arbitrarily trampled upon him.

Mr Tan said:

Zhao six, said: , there is no done since the founding of a good thing, is condemned by history, thrown into the sea to feed the sharks, make him disappear completely, the most appropriate. one of the overall structure of the United States,bailey UGG boots, as if subjected to the

leaders for themselves, love a few open to a few open, it is modest, we did not have reason more are not eligible indiscriminately.

We have been to their own scores, gains and losses, to treat our leaders, we have been shown to be open and the situation which we have been for the blind and when a further ignore the essence of the great leaders in total disregard of the great state of mind and high level.

we eventually coincide, act in collusion, tacit, almost everyone is adding insult to injury, almost everyone in the crowd pushed the wall down, almost everyone is a is to defend the truth of the

we finally won, the victory thoroughly, because we finally completed the collective betrayal of Mao Zedong.

one of the greatest, the greatest common people leader, suffered an unprecedented all-out attack, even a basic understanding and appreciation of both the right not get most of his life cherished the Chinese people, giving him The ultimate reward, but it is a collective betrayal, the overall betrayal.

the best leader at all times, but suffered the greatest injustice and humiliation. His addition to the ancient Greek mythology, to seek answers, and the People's Heroes Monument Britain soul together under the innocence, but also how what?

five repent, we need to collectively repent, nirvana, we need the collective nirvana. Let us all die thoroughly, re-rehabilitation, and then fast shower, kissing the collective since ancient times to the most pure soul.

you hold your breath, you keep your eyes open, the first optimistic, and look at the dirty water which we poured a man, a man no peace after death, is how to treat our lifetime is how to treat people is how to treat the public.

Then, questioning our conscience.

emperor Swinger six countries, to establish a lot of No matter how you call him a

However, he was just an attempt by the their home world only, and the masses of the people, what an infidel? He, and later all of China's emperors, who, will the interests of the masses, first place it?

decline in the Chinese nation to the bottom of the 19th century, Sun Yat-sen established a revolutionary group Since then, the

Albert Sun, epitomized by two points: First, the leadership Revolution overthrew the feudal monarchy; the second is the implementation of the new Three People's Principles of three policies to promote the KMT-CPC cooperation, against the reactionary rule of the Northern Warlords revolutionary struggle.

We must ask, If you do not solve the If it does not belong to the people, While Sun and sincere cooperation with the CPC, actively explore, he had passed away. Chiang Kai-shek a fresh start, betrayed the revolution, and then made a clear answer, the National Chiang family name, social surnamed Jiang, is my Chiang dynasty, the The so-called all of our civil and military henchman and lackey. For how we treat people too abstract, Today I was happy to look unhappy. Clearly, the Chinese emperor to become the president after the interests of the masses, the same being marginalized, how it could be the first place?

see, all the leaders ever really taken the lead to hook to suspend the state and people, is the Mao Zedong; the the first is that Mao Zedong; all for the sake of the people, completely serving the people, or Mao Zedong.

At this point, he is undoubtedly the first person in Chinese history.

he would also

in the era he presided over the ups and downs, any privileged, never take the name of . The history, most leaders of the people fully and completely, absolutely not permit any person to do so, that is, King I, too, is not allowed.

If the Sun Yat-sen's public

advocating one-party dictatorship, was the drop of the masses is to consolidate a handful of established exclusive privilege of the elite;

advocating multi-party competition, but also discarded the masses is to seize the future of privilege, by their different factions to share the elite privilege;

take away all the people are the core content, they do not harbor illusions of their hair is not that road toad species, as long as is toad a class, they can not truly as the core of the people to think.

longer have hardly been the realm of Mao Zedong, probably just the desires of the wonderful and fascinating interpretation of the expansion.

you have not seen it? Only Mao Zedong, and his people regarded as the core of the community to think, as master of the country to support, as the closest relatives to come back.

is not it? He did not care, strong protection of the people his entire life in public, care of the masses, for which he is not afraid to offend all, not afraid of being blasphemous, fear of death to be dug graves.

you see how brave he is, and how romantic, he launched the Of course, some anger is sincere, and some anger, a flicker, and I hope the mass of our people are been fooled by the anger. However, we ask ourselves, why should offend the leaders of more than what is necessary to offend these people, Does not he know how to do it, will make those people happy? Know how to do it make them happy, but determined not to do that, we must not let them sincerely glad to know that too many people can not understand, Want to Be like that. He in the end for what? Is it to himself? No, no, he is for the people, to the fundamental interests of the people permanently.

See, he advocated a comprehensive, workers, literature and art who suppressed the revolution and rebellion.

cry issued from his soul: the devil will be away.

all the leaders of all times, no one can like him, a real treat people thoroughly to get people seriously.

However, we had him confused with mediocre leadership in general, and even national leaders are not as general, what are we really that rat hole drilling ah.

no one nation, would like us to treat the nation's truly elite; not nationals of any country would like us to co-founding leader of the soul pollution.

we not only as Christians, as Buddhists, as Muslims, and even Osama bin Laden's followers do not like.


fact, he is a sentimentalist, and he imagined how the birds fly freely and how he thought the fish swim freely, and how he and Yang Kaihui with the freedom to read, write , tired of holding her hand to, to walk in the mountains, to the whispers among the flowers in the shadow of the moon.

But he can not. He did not do so, he gave up the right way, he had not his own.

He did not want war, but had to fight, he did not want an officer, but had an official, he has a frank and free nature, but nature had to give up their freedom, because he only belongs to the people , needs to be there for the people. He decided the fundamental interests of the people, willing to do any self-sacrifice, and even afraid of the first to go to hell.

revolution day he decided to aim for more explicit than others, more thorough, more pure, more distant, is by no means do for themselves high officials, but for people's Italian.

he laid it began, again more clearly than others, more thorough, more pure, more distant, not seeking privileges for themselves, for family, self-serving, but for the people of the everlasting benefit.

thought he was when the >
thought he was If there is one thing

make him sure that he improperly leaders, the state is destined to always belong to the people, and people will not suffer eternal bully, he will happily waved to you, go home to for the people worrying about, could not bear to leave. Shhh, say nothing, he can only blame our state can not keep up, too low, too low, low and pitiful.

small state, they are often reduced to a large realm of people;

low state of the person, who always cut short high state.

This not only made me angry, it makes one cast aside.

do not have to fart, Look at the world of beauty and ugliness:

better than not know, one to startle anyone, as long as the arrangement together with Mao Zedong, will immediately overshadowed:

their hearts, always Buganbujing;

their desires, always flickering;

their performance, always hard-pressed;

Politics rogue, only to rape the people;

political actors, can only tease people.

privileged leaders and leaders of the people is not homogeneous, not the same track, can not be confused.

selfish privileged, ah, always been birds of a feather, they are feeling, they are working hand in glove, they squeezed out of the Maoist theory in addition to running the country and the people and their belonging to their scholars,UGGs, quietly into the the margins of society.

None of us do not easily believe.

Maiguai has no meaning,

忽悠 have lost faith.


he came to this world, he in the end for what?

he hurt his father, he lost the most virtuous wife, he lost the best son, he lost two brothers, he lost many loved ones, he offended the people of all selfish He did not leave any child benefits, his life simple and unadorned, light water, he quietly to Dry, Dry and go quietly.

him in the end for what? When we misunderstand and pollution of his time, we are being unsympathetic, we Liangxinhezai?

their so-called Compared to our leader, our poor state of low, low terrible, people fear the low, low sad, we actually qualified to grant him.

none of us in the pursuit of their own happiness, to our founding leaders, seeking to live my own happiness? There have been against the interests of the people desires it? Only the people of his heart, the eyes of the people has always been his boss, had never even his own wife and children.

you listen, Anying the dead, said:
thousand should not, Wan should not we

we must re-examine the reform and opening up, the writing all the text of Mao Zedong, because there are all infected with the AIDS virus.

smart he is simply not the kind of excessive selfishness, and even more is not glossy grand privilege,UGG boots, he is a great and pure, pure naked, weeping ghost of a naked newborn baby shaking, a always make our naked soul pure shock. All times, no leader, as impartial as he can.

year Chu, Qu Yuan, as most in need of a naked newborn baby.

today's China, Mao Zedong's most needed is such a naked newborn baby.

contrast, the packaging gorgeous ourselves, that is what smart services for Americans, will be U.S. dollars, will visit Los Angeles, will be superior, so that we fawn Americans; the privilege of service, there officers do , will be paid, wherever, are condescending and so, we fawn privilege; only serve the people, the lack of water, less than the benefits of the fishing, so, we open one eye and close, not serve the people, regardless of people's life and death more.

individual scholars dedicated to serving the people, ah, to silently endure poverty, loneliness, and abuse it, no, compared to our founding leaders, we then what?


Even today, only some people began to reflect the awakening, and in another part of people's minds, he still is .

sorrow, the strength of anti-Mao, too strong, otherwise, how can yu so enraged? look at what state of mind

leader, is a big problem.

my late father, trying to conquer the hardship suffer, the world did not have to take the Punished, he said: the leader, and our people under the red flag long, but no such mind, the personality of leaders, lack of basic understanding.

smoked heart of a person desires, can not enter the realm of Mao Zedong; a secular shallow people can only catch Mao Zedong's fur; a narrow base of people, can only distort the Mao Zedong; a universal love for all the common people pure heart, will it be possible close to Mao.

the face of Mao Zedong, any leader would be small, because of their overwhelming majority, are just a simple administrative leadership, are only deal with the personnel, do more and more dry, less dry thing less , no matter how better tomorrow, are probably just busy with affairs of struggling to socialize. Even if handled properly, be reasonable, are at best capable of doing things and decent.

and Mao is not the case, no one like him, the whole nation and the world's macroeconomic development in general have a very clear understanding of a very thorough understanding and very clear ideas, very clear objectives , and the powerful appeal and cohesion of unparalleled, leading people to put into practice, he has his own philosophy of life, with its own social philosophy, with its own development philosophy, with its own behavior philosophy, has its own unique strategy and tactics. He mediocre leader who is completely different, he in politics, has been like the idea of the article, reflect the generous, through the wording that is great artistically, the structure is strict, the theme is prominent, the purpose is clear, idea is smooth, like a guiding principle throughout has always been red, with a philosophy to guide his country and the world.

his transcendence is evident with the brilliant, far beyond the crowd, please do not belittle him as a great man yung mediocre level.

Mao culture has multiple meaning, whether you're in politics, fighting, learning, for art, sports and even a variety of business will be different from the unique enlightenment.

is not to say, who chance to say, decision objects of worship, has the brain of the wise, just look at you can do, will do, how to dry, as who did.

forces of vanity a son of his father's piety, destined only to the neglect of attention to the form of content; a good at playing the hypocrisy of bureaucrats and politicians political skills, the people's love and destined to only focus on advocacy and ignore real .


they hate Mao Zedong, because Mao Zedong and privileges of nobility can not be tolerated, so he lived resentment to themselves, began after the death of an old dream ends, crazy accumulate their own private property. Only the distance, creating a disparity of wealth, they only comfortable, only nice, it is more noble.

order to achieve the goal, they encourage anti-hair, we slack on the sets.

they have been Maiguai,

they have been 忽悠,

we do, compliance with, easygoing, and sometimes also tut celebrating.

leaders scolded enough we only know fooled, regret.

thank you

thank them for their

is the

the world to know that to eliminate the oppression, the eradication of exploitation, the abolition of classes, the most in need, was Mao Zedong.

Therefore, privileged, selfish who will not have any publicity Mao.

, however, to dilute or discard any of Mao's attitude, and the world Chinese collective discarded Mao Zedong, will cause the world's people resent the loss of prestige of the entire Chinese nation. This is unethical because of the political but also cultural unethical, it is wicked nation.

back bar, back Yo, stop wandering around, I was already full of tired, but returned the empty bags.

wind that home, that home of the clouds, as I wiped my trauma.

back bar, back Yo, that lost soul, lost soul that made me into a gorgeous shell of human flesh, to live permanently, we must rediscover our soul.

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