Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Protection of the United States in response to the disaster in the market supply's experience

 Protection of the United States in response to the disaster in the market supply's experience
Pak Ming
2005, the Katrina Hurricane a severe impact on the U.S. retail industry, there are only 123 stores Wal-Mart out of business, in the affected areas important life strained supplies, or even looting, fuel, soybean, cotton, fruit, coffee, aquatic products was significantly higher commodity prices. However, the U.S. government adopted a series of measures to quickly restore essential supplies on the market protection. the United States in ensuring the supply of important commodities markets experience is mainly reflected in the following areas:
one, perfection
a relatively sound legal system of the United States, in the face of natural disasters, the U.S. government in ensuring market supply the process of evidence-should be able to do.
early as 1974, the United States formulated the areas and ensuring market supply is closely related to .2000 October revised , rescue or disaster relief organization personnel and facilities. of the law, paragraph 1, Article 34 also provides that, when faced with a major disaster, the president ordered all federal agencies to assist state and local government distribution of medicines, food and other daily supplies .
allocation of state and local governments to use; the second is to medicine, food and other consumables available and allocated to the victims; Third, in carrying out rescue, protect property and public health security in the process, provide the necessary food, water, medicines, etc. . for natural disaster relief, the U.S. states where the legislative process also highlighted the need to safeguard the food supply. For example, br> Second, the organization of natural disasters and improve
U.S. disaster relief system to protect the market reflect the supply of diverse, that the federal government led the implementation of local government, civil society organizations with the armed forces auxiliary, commercial sector to participate in the five characteristics. < br> The role of the federal government from the point of view, established in 1979, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is responsible for crisis response operations, including providing food, drinking water, shelter and medical services, and these actions to stabilize the market supply has played an important the role of .2005, Hurricane Rita hit in the face to ensure that the residents when the normal supply of food, FEMA in Louisiana and Texas reserves of 165 trucks of ice, 185 trucks of water and 98 trucks of food.
view from the role of local government, state government's Office of Emergency Management is responsible for the crisis started when the emergency management system, in addition to the necessary use of rescue resources, are also obliged to request the federal government to help.
role from the private sector point of view, the protection of affected market supply, the U.S. non-governmental organizations play an important role. According to a survey conducted in 1998, the U.S. has over 1.6 million non-profit non-governmental organizations. In 2005, when Hurricane Katrina occurred, Red Cross and religious groups in the organization distributing food and drinking water plays an important role in the process.
the role of the armed forces from the point of view, in the event of hurricane Katrina and Rita, with paramilitary national guard team in time for the victims of the drinking water, ice and gasoline.
the role of business organizations from the point of view, the U.S. government often used in the relief process, the power of business organizations in order to protect the main supply of daily necessities. Emergency Assistance Act and process, to achieve harmonization in all aspects is also a great difficulty. assistance. in aid coordination process, the United States since 2006, began developing a new generation and local Emergency Operations Center issued a warning.
Third, the process complete
20 century, 70's, the U.S. Governors Association report on the crisis has raised MPRR four stages of the life cycle model, which is by reduction (mitigation) prevention (preparedness), response (response) and recovery (recovery) to avoid the four aspects of the crisis caused by the crisis and reduce the losses to a minimum.
from natural disaster mitigation and prevention stage before the point of view, Government should do is to reserve the necessary living materials. in accordance with FEMA and the American Red Cross issued a loading milk, dried fruit, crunchy biscuits, potatoes, four kinds of shelf life of 6 months or less food; second compressed canned meat and vegetable soup, canned fruit and vegetable products, instant cereal, peanut butter sauce , jelly, candy and canned nuts, vitamins, etc. 7 shelf life of 12 months or less food; third type of wheat, vegetable oil, dried corn, baking powder, soybeans, instant beverages (coffee, tea, cocoa ), salt, non-carbonated soft drinks, rice, gravy products, dry pasta, canned milk and other non-identified 12 species of food storage.
from natural disaster response phase of the process point of view, is the responsibility of government departments should the timely provision of food, drinking water, fuel and other necessities. In response to the crisis, the can open the corresponding tools required for 3 days drinking water, portable radio or television and spare batteries, emergency lighting and spare batteries, the first on-site rescue package, health care supplies, waterproof matches, whistle, wash clothes and blankets, kitchen supplies, a copy of ID card and credit cards, cash and coins, in particular medical supplies, baby supplies, tools.
after the occurrence of natural disasters from the recovery phase, the Government's task is to provide loans and financial Support to repair personal property. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, the worst hit, destroyed over 150,000 houses. To this end, on the one hand the New Orleans city government in the November 2007 special exhibition held in New Orleans reconstruction, focuses on the reconstruction of building decoration materials, hardware, furniture, household goods, office supplies and other material needs, the other New Orleans Mayor Nagin personally led the entrepreneurs to visit Shanghai, China, the investment and procurement activities.
four diverse ways
to natural disasters, the U.S. goal of ensuring market supply relatively clear: one is to ensure that food, water, bedding, blankets, fuel and other necessities supply, the other is to ensure that medicines, tents, generators and other relief supplies. So far, the United States in ensuring the market supply the means taken by the main focus on the following:
first seek to obtain international assistance. After Hurricane Katrina, the U.S. government to immediately request the EU to the United States to provide all the necessary material assistance. To this end, Norway provided 10,000 blankets, Germany and the UK provide 57 million convenience food, the Netherlands and Luxembourg also provided medical supplies, drinking water, blankets and other relief material.
Second, market transactions in the affected areas to maintain order. As a result of hurricanes, in September 1989, the United States in the Caribbean Virgin Islands food shortages occur, some local residents began looting food stores. In order to ensure that local 10 million people order food supply, specifically the U.S. government mobilized 1,000 soldiers from the local community to suppress the riots and remained stable.
Third, through the use of reserve resources to stabilize the market price of .2005, due to the severe impact of Hurricane Katrina The United States was the shortage of oil supply in some areas, including Atlanta's gasoline supply gap of 20%. through the market with oil reserves, the United States to effectively alleviate the crisis in domestic oil supply.
Fourth, establish a relatively stable inter-regional cooperation . FEMA encourages states not to sign the Convention on the interstate defense emergencies and unexpected events with the neighboring countries signed the Mutual Defense Agreement. aid or mutual aid agreements.
five government departments directly to the disaster relief supplies provided by life. food stamps. After Hurricane Katrina, the U.S. government paid to the victims the value of $ 2,000 per person a debit card, which can be used in addition to debit cards to buy food, but also can be used to purchase gasoline and other necessities.
V. funded
may occur or have occurred for natural disasters, the United States in efforts to ensure the market supply the necessary capital investment can not be separated. According to the U.S. Congress estimated that Hurricane Katrina occurred, every day the funds for the reconstruction of over one billion U.S. dollars. in ensuring market supply in recent years, major U.S. financial support from the following sources:
First, direct financial support from the government. In natural disasters, for victims of property and loss of income subject to the actual situation, the U.S. government to take the necessary emergency measures, only the federal government for Hurricane Katrina relief amounted to 51.8 billion budget.
Second, external financial support. Hurricane Katrina hit immediately after the attacks, said the U.S. government is willing to accept any foreign aid to the disaster area, with 118 countries and 12 international organizations have expressed their willingness to provide assistance to the United States, the international community to provide assistance to the United States valued at 854 million.
Third commercial insurance for their support. In recent years, the U.S. insurance industry to ensure market supply in the affected areas has also played an active role. Hurricane Katrina caused direct economic losses of 400 billion dollars, while U.S. insurance companies to do this Peifu the $ 26,000,000,000.
four non-governmental organizations. When confronted with large natural disasters, the American Red Cross, churches and other non-governmental organizations actively raise money, while 70% of U.S. households own contribution record.
Overall, the course in disaster response, the United States in ensuring market supply has a lot of experience worthy of attention, but whether these experiences are for us not to generalize, you need to learn with their own national conditions.

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