Friday, March 25, 2011

The practice of sushi and seaweed board

 kimbap practices
kimbap necessary materials:
i a pot of rice, not too hot nor too cold will be hot too hard not good (you can cook rice to eat glutinous rice mixed with it will be more fragrant.) Several South Korean seaweed sheets
ii (is that a large a large thin in Korea but in China there are many little harder to resolve not buy!).
iii several sausages, the most authentic way is to add this but can be added according to their own tastes, or sausage meat floss.
iv number of eggs must be appropriate not to waste.
v carrots one to two, with matching Japanese pickled radish, recommendations, if not buy, then it can be omitted.
vi fresh green spinach, so that it can eat authentic laver.
vii little salt, white sesame seeds, sesame oil.
do kimbap steps:
i first put in the hot rice into the salt, white sesame seeds, the smell of sesame oil, the best mix well by hand, and on the side of the Hanging.

ii beaten eggs, add a little salt, Dan Pi into the fry pan, the cut for long. While pan is still warm, put the ham into strips and stir fry carrots, must pay attention to the furnace, do not do coke was not ripe stiff.
iii everything is ready to begin two seaweed wrapped carefully laid out, fell on top of rice, pour three quarters, hand Nongsan, three-quarters covered with seaweed in every corner Do not be too hard the weight of the rice is flat, so that does not look good.

then put the egg in order articles, carrot sticks, ham bar, spinach, and finally the Japanese pickled radish.

iv roll up the nori roll
must be tight, this is the most important because if the volume is not tight, cut loose when it will open come.

v knife and then rolled into the last strip of seaweed cut into 1.5cm board a small piece on it.

kimbap make the.

should remember to eat when the laver on the mouth, and if a bite, then, would fall to the oh.
sushi in Japanese, the Japanese representative of the most cited is that the rice mix made with food materials and sushi rice. Eating rice balls and sushi in Japan's position somewhat similar to life in China, pasta, pizza in Italy or the United States Hamburg, is a unique style, rich in changing their own meals.
a material
fillings: carrot, cucumber, mushrooms, Crab Stick, eggs, green mustard, chili sauce ... ... In fact, what fillings can all be according to their preferences to decide. For example you can use salmon, radish and so on. And can put one or more, to create different flavors of sushi.
outer material: rice, seaweed or roasted seaweed sheets.
sauce: vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, wasabi (or salad dressing, chili sauce can be Korean)
Tools: Sushi Rolling.
II. Materials handling
1. Sushi rice:
the cooked rice, a little rice to eat at home than usual Some of Microsoft, is the time to cook a little extra water, if not you can add a little sticky rice. Do not boil the cooked first, so that rice and then simmer 10 to 15 minutes so that it can bring out the taste of rice. Sheng hot out, because the heat when the rice vinegar in the mix can be tasty. Sheng the rice to a slightly larger container, into the amount of white vinegar, then use the spoon to welling up, rolling, etc., to squeeze into one of rice, rice grain ultimately impossible to separate the best results. Then put it after use.
2. Eggs: Beat an egg and put into salt and mix well. Cake pan fry eggs, cut into bars to.
3. Crab Stick: remove packaging, is cut into strips, steamed spare.
4, ham: cut into standby
5. carrots, cucumber: peeled, cut into strips and set aside. Students can be.
Floss, etc. can be added to the food you like on the inside
III. Sushi practice
rolled sushi now:
1. Expand sushi rolling
2. Put in a sushi rolling sheets of nori, or roasted seaweed.
3. in sheets of nori, or roasted seaweed rice on the tiled floor. After the rice is sticky to be crushed together, so this step may be more trouble, but there is know-how, and if too sticky, then use a spoon to dip some water, so the rice would be nice obedient.
4. Rice laid out above the crowd after some green in the mustard, mustard if you like, then you can eat it as a filling. Can then be put before the filling into the prepared above, and confining the middle, you can fill the entire width of rice, materials must be put 均匀, so when the sushi cut each piece of sushi in order to ensure that the materials are the same. According to their own favorite flavor, you can have a choice of using fillings, a mix to form to a variety of different tastes.
5. by rolling sushi roll together all these materials, a sushi roll do the work.
sushi production process diagram:

one, laying meal: rice shop in the seaweed up and down when leaving points on each side of neutral, not all covered. Do not pressure tight rice, but also not too thick.

Second, shop materials: make their own sushi rolls at home, not sure what to put in the shop provides. Eat what they like to put what. Generally more common are: cucumber, ham, sushi, egg rolls, crab Roubang, salad dressing, dried meat floss ... ... in the discharge when there are particular about the color as much as possible sub-open, layered, cut out sushi that looks more appetite! All the materials in the middle of rice on. (See below)

three shut: all the materials put away, they began to roll with the curtain pulled ~ ~ ~ holding up the bottom of the rice and seaweed roll, while pressing with your fingers inside the material rice to prevent the process of turning the material leaked. (Below) remain in the volume as much as possible when the curtains with your fingers to tighten the feeling, so strong enough to roll out the volume! ! ! When the volume of rice to and above the confluence, to the top of the curtain opened to take advantage of the volume of a forward roll, roll forming pull on!

four plastic: the rolled sushi roll wrap with a curtain, as shown about the same income, the whole bit shape. Basically OK!

IV. Do not underestimate this sushi
cutting step, it is also know-how. If the direct use of knife, it is not likely to cut the sushi circle. Because rice is sticky, will blunt knife. Be patient, cut a piece and then washed rice on the knife, so to maintain a certain humidity knife, then cut a piece. Thus, an exquisite sushi on the well. You can also select some with exquisite Japanese-style small plate, put the sushi, it is appropriate. You can also use a small plate put some soy sauce and mustard, dip sushi to eat.

make delicious and beautiful sushi tips:
sushi vinegar transfer method
materials: white vinegar 600cc, 500 grams of sugar, salt 80 g
practice: the above three ingredients into the pot, placed in a small fire on the stove and stir until sugar dissolves then, vinegar should not boil, so as not to reduce acidity.
sushi vinegar
Materials Preservation Act: Place the pot or container of sushi vinegar is dry, placed in a corner or a cool place in summer can be placed 3-4 months, 5-6 months in winter.

eating sushi rice to cook glutinous rice + ratio of 10:1, you can cook a soft, Q, sushi rice, water for a cup of rice for a glass of water, if more than five cups of rice Finally, a glass of water is reduced to 1 / 5 of water.

sushi rice and a bowl of rice vinegar
ratio of one tablespoon of sushi vinegar + (a cup of rice can be cooked two bowls of rice, and so the proportion.)

sushi rice and vinegar stirring time
1, rice cooker rice cooked about 20-25 minutes.
2, sushi rice evenly in the mix to be sought, or home after a long time to not mix the rice vinegar hardens, mixing evenly, to be placed in ventilation or electric fans blowing cold.

Preservation Act
sushi rice sushi rice if the remaining, two clean, damp cloth can be used to cover the contact surface of the wet rice is not too wet, slightly wet can be.
Haha, his first to do, not volume, probably put too much filling, coupled with the volume not Push as but the taste is 一级棒 Yes, and do their own clean, rest assured that, ha ha, The figure, do not laugh at me ah
comparison I put the homemade material, but also I like to eat
eggs, ham, crab Roubang, cucumber, Korean chili sauce, black sesame
we all try it , really good to eat sushi Oh ... ...
DIY approach

ginger vinegar 100cc 100cc 100 grams of water 45 grams of salt a little sugar
[production process]
1 . the vinegar, sugar added to the water boil heat to melt sugar, vinegar and mix thoroughly into the willing and let cool.
2. the ginger washed, sliced, placed in cold water about 3 hours to remove the bitter taste, and then wring dry with gauze, placed in Gan vinegar to soak 1 hour.

tempura sushi tempura roll sushi ingredients:
tempura shrimp, seaweed, rice, sushi vinegar, lettuce, cheese, salad dressing, crab roe.
sushi tempura practice:
1. will add sushi vinegar steamed rice, mix well set on cool, shared equally in the seaweed.
2. painted with crab roe seaweed will turn over, put lettuce, tempura shrimp, cheese, salad dressing (with bamboo extrusion) can be rolled.
Nutrition Reviews: shrimp tempura (supermarket sales) is a Japanese cuisine in a more well-known ingredients, with a high nutritional value.

Chibi Maruko Chibi Maruko
rice, tuna, salmon, seasoning sauce. Chibi Maruko
1. will be steaming into the sushi rice vinegar, mix well set to cool, all kinds of raw fish slices aside.
2. take rice 20g, with plastic wrap to help shape into round, and then covered those of raw fish, hot pepper sauce can be poured.
Nutrition Comments: the long-term use of mental worker for eating salmon, enhance brain function, and prevent vision loss.

Arctic Bay Arctic Bay sushi sushi
Arctic Bay, rice, sushi vinegar. Arctic Bay sushi
1. first steamed rice, add sushi vinegar and mix well set cool.
2. the Arctic Bay Wash, pick a good backup.
3. the trapezoidal shape into Banhao sushi rice (20g or so of rice), and finally to Arctic Bay on covering the rice can be eaten.
Nutrition Reviews: Arctic Bay has a bright color, delicious, succulent, crisp, and rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids.

tuna salad, tuna salad sushi sushi
tuna, rice, sushi vinegar, Caisi, seasoning sauce, cheese, chili sauce, tuna salad roll, seaweed. Tuna salad sushi
1. first steamed into the sushi rice vinegar, mix well set to cool.
2. tuna slices spare, then Banhao shared equally in the seaweed on the sushi rice, seaweed spread good will flip.
3. put Caisi, seasoning sauce, tuna salad roll, cheese, roll up (with special bamboo curtain extrusion) spare cover and pressed tuna slices, doused with hot pepper sauce can be.
Nutrition Reviews: seaweed growing on the rocks at the beach, fully learned the essence of water, protein, minerals and vitamins is extremely rich, known as the

octopus sushi raw octopus sushi
octopus, rice, tea, sake, sushi vinegar.
octopus sushi practice:
1. will be steaming into the sushi rice vinegar, mix well set to cool.
2. the octopus with salt water clean.
3. with pot water to boil, add tea, sake, salt, the octopus into the pot boiled, sliced ​​standby.
4. and then run trapezoidal shape into the sushi rice, cover the rice balls on the octopus can be eaten.
Nutrition Reviews: brachiopods kind of software octopus seafood rich in protein and selenium, iodine, manganese, copper and other trace elements.

tuna sushi, tuna sushi ingredients:
raw tuna, rice, sushi vinegar.
tuna sushi practice:
1. first steamed into the sushi rice vinegar, mix well set to cool.
2. tuna slices aside.
3. the Banhao to the trapezoidal shape into sushi rice, cover the rice balls on the tuna can be eaten.
Nutrition Reviews: Tuna is not only a sense of fresh crisp and refreshing flavor, protein content, with high nutritional value and rich in medicinal value.
sushi practice:
practice a lot of sushi, here we introduce some common practices of sushi for reference.
First, the basic method of ordinary sushi
first place in the next point for a small bowl of vinegar, made from time to time when to hand-dip a little vinegar to keep the hands wet and not stained with rice.
Second, the red fish like tuna sushi practices
time to ramp cut into, ribs should be cut off.
three, herring, mackerel sushi practices
usually buy a whole fish. The herring are generally of Therefore, in order to maintain their luster, but can not use ordinary water to wash the weak salt water, first cut off the head as shown, to the net internal organs and blood. Air dry the water along the fish bone fish aside. Last Piediao fish like fish bones left.
tail from the head start to stretch the skin peeled off, and then the fish sauce into the draw frame section in order to taste. Finally, the slices into balls just fine.
four practices
fine sushi nori shiny side of the surface. Finally, try to organize into a rectangular shape.
five thick volumes of crude
practice sushi sushi although a bit difficult, but a wide variety of bright colors and is a good choice for a picnic lunch.
content can be selected like any material, such as: hand in the fish to crush sugar, wine, good financial pigment, or mushrooms bar, burning eggs ... ... and so on.
volume down when put to use a whole seaweed, laver 3 cm head over there to leave empty, covered with thick layer of rice.
then the order of the prepared material on the middle of dinner. In order to prevent the process of volume material was dissipated, a finger has been Bazhu material. Finally, cut into 8 equal portions just fine.
six, bean curd skin, fried tofu skin sushi practice
open with chopsticks to pick carefully, taking care not ruined. Cut in half, placed in boiling hot soup out of tofu skin oil management. Then remove and dry the water gas, pot add salt, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine, water, cook, boil for 20 minutes after a small fire. Cool inserted rice, the port can be sealed.
seven, modeling a variety of beautiful sushi sushi practices
small dumpling:
similar practices and common sushi, but this is smaller by more than half the raw fish, rice balls wrapped Yuanyuan very cute.
Red Sushi:
the rice and seaweed made of flower shape. Placed on top of brightly colored fish (fish without a thorn) and ginger.

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