Thursday, January 6, 2011

Psychological phenomenon 166

 146 serial position effect (serial position effect)
learning materials in various parts of the site, the learning is different. Experiments show that learning in the series, the front-end and back end of the study and learn quickly than in the middle. For example, knowledge An article in mind, the beginning and end part of the memorizing effect is better than the middle. mastery of the material from the ends to the middle of a trend. from the beginning than to move forward a little faster at the end, grasp the slowest part of the Department is not in the middle of the material, but at a later point. According to analysis, this is because the front line of interference by the retroactive inhibition, proactive inhibition series rear of interference by the middle part is suppressed by two successive interference. Generally speaking, the effect in the early stages of learning the most obvious. In addition, by the nature of the material, quantity and presentation materials, learning methods, and many other factors.
147 mental set
Soviet psychologists have done such a classic on the this person is guilty of a hardened crime
; on the second group of students say: this man is a great scientist. and then he let two groups of students described their pictures with the words of this man looks.
description of the first group of students is: deep-set eyes that his heart is full of hatred, prominent chin, along the road of crime proved stubborn in the end his determination to hh
description of the second group are: deep-set eyes, thinking that this person depth, prominent chin, that the person on the road to overcome the difficulties in understanding the will of hh
evaluation of the same person, just as the previous received tips about the identity of this person different from the description obtained even with such a dramatic difference, mental set can be seen the process of awareness of the tremendous impact!
psychological pendulum effect of people's feelings in the subject under the influence of external stimuli, with multiple degrees and polarity characteristics. Each has a different emotion level, there is a antithetical emotional state, such as love and hate, joy and sorrow and so. mental slope ; psychological pendulum effect want to live forever in the passion, romance, such as the ideal state of being stimulated, and thus the lack of these factors on the state of ordinary life meaning always feel excluded, and their mood will naturally change the scene because of ups and downs of life 2. People should learn to experience the fun of a variety of different living conditions. not only people's activities in the stirring passion of the warm and imaginative experience, but also in the daily life of plain water to enjoy a leisurely interest in life. Only this, their talent in life conversion occurs in the larger scene to avoid a huge psychological sense of loss and negative emotions. 3, to strengthen the role of rational regulation of emotion. people to be happy to live life in space and time, should remain calm and sober moderate. When his emotions into low, we should try to avoid constantly compare and review their own emotional climax of the the spirit of things and activities which go.
149 orangutans on experimental psychology and zoology experts
have done an interesting experiment: in two walls inlaid with a lot of room in the mirror, respectively, two weeks into the ape. a chimpanzee. docile temperament, it first entered the room, is pleased to see the mirror there are many ; group the moment to be the mirror of experimenter out of the room, as it had character because of violent gorilla angrily, physically and mentally exhausted and death.
love and concern for students, especially when the Times to the students a friendly gesture, because the friendly attitude of teachers to students, students multiply the friendly gestures to respond to teachers.
150 to meet the effects of delay in Developmental Psychology
a classic experiment, known as the 20 minutes before eating, give to eat two. Some kids wait to eat the sugar right away; and other children of the durability of patience, close your eyes or head-like arms do sleep, and some singing by himself or the child to shift attention to while away their time in order to restrain the desire to gain a more substantial reward. The researchers conducted a follow-up observations and found that those with strong determination to obtain two gums in children, grows to in high school showed strong adaptability, self-confidence and independence spirit; and those who could not stand the temptation to fudge the children are often succumb to pressure to avoid challenges. In the later decades of follow-up observations, also prove that there patient to eat two pieces of candy children are more successful career. results show: self-control is an individual in the absence of the outside world under the supervision of the appropriate control, regulate their own behavior, inhibit impulses, to resist the temptation, delay of gratification, consistently to ensure that a comprehensive ability to achieve the objective.
151 herd management
is the market behavior of some companies is a common phenomenon. For example, a flock (group) is a very scattered organizations, usually with blind people left and right legs. If a sheep found a fertile green grass, and where to eat fresh grass, and later will herd sheep, where competition for grass, completely ignoring the wolf eyeing next, or do not see the other there is a better grass. herding of as a general in a very competitive industry, but also the industry has a leader (leader) occupies the main attention, then the whole flock will continue to imitate the leader's every move, the leader where to eat, where the other sheep gold. search engine competition on the market situation, the search engine giant between between the action on the opponent's attention is, once a search engine, a new feature appears, or enter a new field, many search engines to try this new , it really profitable.
susceptibility effect of learning has changed since the previous learner's knowledge structure, when once again encounter the learning materials, he would be more easily aware of the material contained The potential significance. This phenomenon is called susceptibility effects. It is often used to explain the early review of assimilation theory of learning and new knowledge to keep the impact. assimilation theory, the significance of the new access is still relatively clear and complete to maintain understanding of the structure, and then first contact with the material that has been learned, has received the learner will have knowledge of the contents of this susceptibility effect. Therefore, the earlier the review, the learner easy to detect more subtle differences in meaning and small .
153 opposite effect:
Psychologists have found that in one test, men in male and female at the same table eating dinner to getting more than men when
many civilizations, this is because most people in front of the opposite sex more attention to his words and deeds.
154 Advantages
a person can only own advantage rather than from the weakness in the success.
stamp effect some kind of concrete things with people, activities and scenarios linked to the subject, will be deduced from greatly improved the accuracy.
effect on Yao since Sunday rest, disrupted the normal life of students living and learning order, and learning will decrease distractibility, mental weak, thus affecting the learning effect, a phenomenon known effect on Yao. This effect in the morning and afternoon each day in the first class often appears after the school holiday period in time was quite remarkable. reasonably After the break the spirit should be doubly and more efficient, but is not the case, but in accordance with the law occurred on Yao effects. Some months it is also known as Yao disease.
157 bandwagon effect:
humans often have a tendency to most other people do or think or believe in something, is called the The bandwagon effect is the bandwagon fallacy, and the basis of bandwagon propaganda law.
bandwagon direct translation from the English bandwagon, that is, carrying the band in the Parade float. participants jumped in it as long as bandwagon, we can easily enjoy the parade of music, it does not walk, and therefore, the English of Among the election bandwagon effect often can be seen, for example, many voters like to vote for his own view (or the media claims) easily winning candidates or political parties, rather than their favorite, with the winner to improve their standing in the same side of the opportunity, in Taiwan, this effect is also known as or all of the things that, in the present or the time-evolution, not necessarily the right thing. For example, in the 18th century, the United States most people agree that slavery in this world can exist, but the idea today that the United States who has been very small. or anyone can claim smoke is harmful to health, although there are so many people smoking. otherwise, it is with you against ! copy while taking advantage of the bandwagon and
159 Effect of repeated explorations of a brewing problem solving and no results, the issue held in abeyance for some time, often for some opportunities once they find a solution.
halo halo effect effect, also known as the halo effect. it means when people look at the issue, the same as the halo, from a central point and gradually spread out into a growing circle, is a prominent feature in the halo or aura that under the influence of arising from a point on behalf of the face, sweeping social and psychological effects.
others in our daily lives are being affected by the perception of most of the impact of this effect. because it makes people solely on the basis of a prominent person characteristics to evaluate, understand and deal with people, such as a person perform well, are excellent for all that he has committed a mistake, say he has always been poor performance and so on. Therefore, the halo effect is an introduction to the people of our misunderstanding of the common perception of social and psychological effects.
look at the characteristics of human perception, such as the human face of memorizing, halo effect has a positive role, provided us with some convenience. halo effect of the negative effects tend to judge a person's moral quality or character is most evident when. it prevents us to fully observe, evaluate people, so that we can not highlight the negative quality of the people who found their positive qualities and benefits of highlight the positive qualities can not be the people who see their shortcomings and deficiencies of people to does not exist. Therefore, the halo effect of the harm is blinders for the trees. the point on behalf of the face, sweeping, easy to affect people's evaluation of the accuracy and reliability.
understanding and mastering the social psychological effect, help us to look at other people's prejudices to overcome, but also help us understand the causes prejudice to others. This is, of leaders and managers is particularly important.
161 Effect of change in who the favorite
increasing their own people like the look, most did not like the look of their favorite declining, a psychologist who will be interpersonal in a phenomenon known as Psychology and Baxter effects BACKSTER:
I was born in New Jersey LAFAYETTE City. my education was interrupted by World War II affected, I was reading in the Deco Texas Agricultural College, was the first enlisted naval officer. in service, I very interested in the phenomenon of hypnosis, many studies have done. I use hypnosis for intelligence and counter intelligence are some suggestions, because I just joined the army, so there is no cause for attention.
the end of World War II veterans 8 months later, I had the opportunity to learn in the U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Service. After a short training, I left the headquarters in Maryland as a lecturer intelligence investigations course. At that time, my hypnosis in intelligence and counter intelligence Applications began to attract attention. I began to have their own office, I closed the window for special studies, but progress is slow. One time, I worked for security reasons, the secretary to the commander of the use of hypnosis and achieved top-secret files . The secretary was not aware of wake up. for security reasons, that night I will be the safe custody of documents. The next day, I will file to the commander, said: one is to inform the special police to arrest me, I explained one is listening . Later, they listened carefully to my explanation. At that time, the newly established Central Intelligence Agency, to hear the matter, let me ahead of ex-CIA, hired me in the use of polygraphs background checks work.
polygraph as a special equipment for intelligence work, it seems very natural to link to my hypnosis ﹑ night these areas have been studied. I imagine them for my work. but the actual on the work of the CIA, I am bored. because it was just set up the CIA, FBI a lot of people want to find a decent job. We the people of XXXXX lie detector test. will detect person, included in the eligible list. further trades survey to dispatch the right job. I quit my government job and began specializing in polygraph research. I have DC set up his own lab, expanded in BOLTMORE another office, the third in New York. lab finally fixed in New York, and in 1959 and my peers, polygraph industry competitors to set up the school. At that time Professor of the nation's first school to use lie detector instrument. The school was founded, takes a lot of the polygraph. the lie detector 1 / 3 part of skin conductance reactor of lines to reflect the mood changes.
This is a standard test pattern, the use of simulated ECG recorder single needle, draw the strength of the relevant changes in blood pressure, pulse ﹑. above record is breathing curve. I'm interested in e-curve, that is, skin conductance curves drawn reactor. I water the plants, is a pot of ox tongue orchids. This flower has a long rod leaves, leaves are long, then it may grow by 1 year to 1 year and a half, is my secretary from a downstairs shop bought, it does not do business to close shop, when we bought a rubber tree. in the water, I was curious, I want to know the roots of the water will take long, through the long leaves long shot to reach the final of the top leaves. I thought: Ah well, just the lie detector devices can be used to measure its resistance change, but also measure its skin conductance sensor. leaves it will be connected to the electrode to see How? because when the water reaches the tip, the leaves caught in the middle of the conductivity of the electrode performance enhancement.
in the water, I think I will see the draw of the curve will show an upward trend, because when the water copies of arrival, the resistance becomes smaller. Surprisingly, the curve showed a continued downward trend is, I move the pointer to the top of a continuous curve to decline. In the shape of the curve here, this caught my attention, if is the skin conductance response, we will explain this curve represents the mood swings, this curve represents the emotional recovery, and then showed a downward trend overall. This is the map of local, this is a standard show-down skin conductance map. I realized that this part of the curve shape, showing the same emotions and human reactions, I was really surprised.
one of us has an effect effect effect called the own people, that is, that make the other side to accept your point of view, attitude, and you maintain the same body at the same view of the other relationship, that is, should the other party and himself as one. Managerial Psychology has a famous saying: I believe you are right, and act according to your opinion, it would first need people like you, otherwise, your attempt will fail. > 164 Purple Uganik
you may wish to try the effect: a stroke a circle, leaving at junction interested in a short gap. back Zaiqiao about this round it, now your mind must be flashed to fill this gap arc ideas. because you always have a sense for the unfinished state of mind, trying to seek the end of ways to get psychological satisfaction. a gentleman named Bruma. purple Uganik psychologist, she gave 128 children arranged a series of operations, she let the children complete a part of the job, the other part of the way we make them stop. an hour after the test results on the way .110 kids stop the job fresh. purple Uganik concluded that : the work has been completed people are more forgetful, because the This is called temperature appears that individual initiative is the source of diverse, various. is aroused but not the psychological needs are met to produce a tension system that determines the tendency of individual behavior, psychological tone and features. If you interrupt the process or to meet the needs of process to solve a task created tension system to allow a person to achieve the target of the action. Lewin that there is no task so the system does not resolve the tension will always exist, when the task is completed, the tension with which co-exist system will also disappear. Thus, a person's time, if it is closely related to the words of our own learning, when there is power, and not easy to forget.
166 self-selection effects
once a certain path in life of individual choice, there is the road to inertia and continues to go strong self

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