Tuesday, January 11, 2011

5 of a person's Morocco - Tangier

 Pearl on the Strait of Gibraltar: Tangier (Tangier)
midnight wake up and hear the rain outside has become a moderate rain, and decided to leave early in the morning Chefchaouen, this beautiful but I have to bite the depressed town.
behind me, still hanging in front of a large luggage, a packet line in the rain, the road to the bus station to the point of the Moroccan bank exchange coin, pulling the body Hanmu only 50, is not it can barely buy on a ticket, and my heart has no bottom. But the banks open the door to half past eight, and I have to catch the bus is half past eight. I still keep in the bank entrance to the quarter past eight, there was no hope, the Sign rushed to the station. < br> has been on the car bound for Tangier, a lot of people will start the. Pipe a luggage of people grab my big backpack down the trunk into the bus. for a while he was on the train to manage my baggage service fee to 10, I said it was impossible, I took a longer journey had also received only 5 bus, the man look outrageous, quit life and death. I glanced in the car to see a European trip who asked him how much the ticket, how much luggage, he said, anyway, he'll pay a total of 30 blocks. to understand the situation, my heart with the end result of that unreasonable people say to 5, or I'll do not take the train. he saw I really want to get off to changed to agree with 5. In many countries, stem travel this line knows that Asians face is thin, often make use of this Asian money. but people did not think Asians do not eat the set today, but also not afraid of only quarrel with him for 5 dollars. prevailed in my mind a lot easier, it seems that this argument makes me depressed have a lot of distribution.
did not think this train is moving arrangements for the local climbing, town village along the way are stopped, so that when the drive to Tangier is noon. The next out of the car I first went straight to the bank for cash, then I'm going to buy night train tickets to Marrakesh.
the street to identify the direction of the train station, there are local people with enthusiasm to give me the way, he said, railway station far away, it is absolutely necessary rental car. I do not want to carrying a big luggage too hard to him on the taxi stopped. that people are together on the taxi, went to the station soon. That person, one to the train station to find someone to go , then I noticed he seemed to take my ride to do things.
Tangier train station is new, the scale is also a very modern feel. I successfully bought more than nine that evening classes Night tickets. tickets bought, I am ready to put my big luggage storage at the train station, but it is strange, the one that actually does not save the new package service station. victims of large luggage back again I had to back long-distance station. In big long car storage bag, a relaxed me, no hesitation toward the beach.
Tangier no rain, like many coastal town, like when the clouds are too thin when the sea pulled thick, showing a gray sky open , gray basket, light blue, sea of different shades basket, the sun and an occasional sprinkling earth cracks from the cloud and sea. the white colonial-style buildings, lawns, and the high cliffs of Castle Harbour, with the coast terrain Yanshen away.
standing on the beach Tangier, I can not tell which one which one is the Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean, it is in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean across the Strait of Gibraltar on the city, across the sea, the phase Hope is the other side of Spain in Europe. So, I always feel the high cliff standing in the ancient city of Tangier seemed to give yourself a very unique perspective, panoramic view of the blue Mediterranean.'s castle on top of the gaoya , Shoudaliangpeng, west look-look seems to cross the Apennine mountains, the small Aegean Sea, Peloponnesian temples, and finally reach the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
bright sunshine, blue water , dry warm air to this piece of open ocean nurture an open, masculine and brilliant marine civilization, the birth of mankind's most brilliant and has been a profound impact on our values of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the ancient Greek civilization Phoenician civilization, ancient Roman civilization and the Renaissance civilization. In the open ocean on top of this, different cultures, different religions in this popular, alternative, fusion, forming a diverse civilization harmony brilliant color. shuttling in the city Among the buildings and ancient ruins, and everywhere one can find the ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Arab-Islamic, and even elements of Persian civilization and influence.
poor Tangier, it is a way of my journey in this one a little selfish, and even arranged a little harsh, that is, would like to feel the Mediterranean sun, feeling the charm of ancient civilization as well as the vitality of modern life.
afternoon coastal road, few cars, almost on the beach no figure. km along the waterfront has tall coconut trees, neat lawns and when are playing pretend restaurant or bar. from the direction of the sea waves leisurely warm breeze blowing from the wind directly to you through your dress skin, people relaxed and happy. limbs in the wind slowly regained consciousness, the body slowly to those yearning for a happy active cells. walk in the sea breeze in Tangier, I began to understand why some people are so fond of the Mediterranean coast to enjoy, and so to know how to pleasure. hedonic here seems to be the gift of the sun and air it in the process of life is the true meaning of life.
through the coastal road, a hotel, in front of a boy who faces up and Ming Nanou I say hello and asked me to go? me want to go to the high cliffs of the Old Town waterfront. He was very enthusiastic that can come with me. in such a leisurely afternoon about a boy not to accompany a bad thing. So We walked down the beach to continue to walk in the direction of the Old City.
He tried to speak French or Spanish, and I, and I can only speak English to him. we phase, as a smile, shook his head, can not understand talking about each other. The boy did not intend to give up, in his mind he can express who plundered the meaning of English words, what BUEATIFUL, what AGE you, what MARRY you, I Sidongfeidong, do not know what to say to him . He then took out a pen and paper, pointed to their own and write down eyes, and I wrote him, MY NAME IS ..... he continued to question my age, I really do not want to tell him, then wrote in the give up the meaning, but also pointed to himself and me, saying MARRY. my heart jet quick laugh, the legendary Mediterranean men seeking women in particular direct hit, no one thought would be so.
husband. take over. I explained that I just did not take. He has been shaking his head a look of disbelief. how can this explain it so clear.
he does not give up, then pop out a bunch of English word . lived there, told me to give him a call.
in the Mediterranean sea breeze, a show finally ended a romance. I continue along the direction of the coast to stroll the Old City, but began very cautiously to avoid roadside men eyes. Here, after all, the Islamic world, walking in the street or sitting on street cafe in the water is almost a man.
alley in the Old City also have men take the initiative to give me a warm wizard, and sometimes even if you rejected him, he still left with your last left you did not forget to call and ask your impression of Moroccans? or directly ask a lot of people, is not that Moroccans are hospitality ( hospitality). Hospitality is like they want others praised their highest national character.
after dark, I went back to the train station, waiting to take Tangier, Marrakech direct (Marrakech) trains. because this railway Rail Europe has been incorporated as part of the pamphlet said, according to travel guide is worth trying. In order to fully enjoy the time on the train, I deliberately bought a first class ticket, 350DH, it should be said or expensive. But When I find my box, look to the bathroom, I disappointed to the extreme. box is very narrow, facility conditions, even worse than the ordinary Chinese hard sleeper; toilet and sanitary conditions even more intolerable. And when you want to When the other car to see, is simply NO WAY. our carriages of the train the only first class, where other carriages with doors leading to a thick chain has been locked tightly.
box in the light is dark as hell, nothing to do, and capped with a pair of lovers in Europe, after talking a few words to put on goggles to bed.
stumbled when the wake-up exchange of votes by the conductor, the sky is Large bright, sunlit soil in the car window is a red building on the dazzling, and saw that the train was about to reach Marrakech. I do not know when to get up in the European girls have told me that you slept well last night, right, see you sleep like a baby. I have not the nerve to say it is because I want to avoid disappointment and toilet.
half past eight the train was open into the red of Marrakech.
original Loaded: www.bpker. com, the rest of the travel, please see

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